General Category > MOC IT Dept.

Forum Hosting Transition / Upgrade

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--- Quote from: linux203 on July 15, 2014, 10:57:36 PM ---I have linux boxes in two Tier 3 datacenters and one Tier 4 datacenter that support screen.  I'm guessing you do too.

Let me translate for Pat... Blah Blah, Blah Blah Blah Blah.

--- End quote ---

--- Code: [~/public_html/ocforum]# screen -S evac
Cannot make directory '/var/run/screen': Permission denied
--- End code ---

Yeah... it's that good..

Also, for shits and giggles, I decided to turn up the frequency of smokeping. 20 pings at 30 second intervals (as compared to the default 5 minute) - just so if I ever feeling like smacking WoW around, I can:

The WAN gateway my modem is talking to:

Inside my house to show it's not my problem:

Alright, now that I'm sure I have a good connection, work should begin shortly.

By the clock I was going by..

Mx Mode On: 0614
MxMode Off && DNS Changed Over: 0655

Also, notice the latest version of SMF is in use

Well done, Jason. I recall a certain other gun org updated their Forum and they were down for over a week...beyond their maintenance window.


--- Quote from: TheQ on July 16, 2014, 12:37:13 PM ---Well done, Jason. I recall a certain other gun org updated their Forum and they were down for over a week...beyond their maintenance window.

--- End quote ---

I can't remember - does that certain other gun org pay their staff?


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