Author Topic: Illinois State Police Announce Rule Changes for Concealed Carry  (Read 2874 times)

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Offline gryphon

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The Illinois State Police have come under a lot of pressure as the magnitude of the lawsuits they are facing under the concealed carry license procedures has become known. Even the old media in Illinois have been complaining that the procedures are secret, people aren’t told why they’re denied, and aren’t afforded due process. There are hundreds of lawsuits pending.

Now the State Police have decided to modify the process. They issued a press release about emergency rules designed to “further strengthen the statutory framework of the Firearm Concealed Carry Act.”

According to

In a memo, the State Police Director Hiram Grau cites these lawsuits as a reason for the emergency rules. “It is anticipated,” he writes “that the volume of litigation will continue until the statutory framework is bolstered by a regulatory process.”

Under the new rules, persons denied a concealed carry license will learn the reason, and be told what law enforcement agency made that determination. They then have to hurry to find evidence that proves they’re not a danger to themselves or others or a threat to public safety — they get ten days to make their case to the board.

This doesn’t mean that the lawsuits will be set aside. No one knows how the courts may rule, but it shows that the process will change, and probably more than what these initial reforms indicate. Ten days isn’t much time to put together legal documents and evidence, make possible travel arrangements or even deliver official documents.   Any way that you look at it , there’s a weekend in there. The press release states that the official rules will be published in the July 25 Illinois Register.

It seems the Illinois police are giving themselves 12 days to publish the actual new rules. This should be interesting.

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Offline Jeff

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Re: Illinois State Police Announce Rule Changes for Concealed Carry
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2014, 09:47:37 PM »
I have never harmed or threatened anybody.  Oh crap, I can't PROVE that though can I?

Offline m.marino

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Re: Illinois State Police Announce Rule Changes for Concealed Carry
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2014, 03:06:54 PM »
Since they are the once accusing a person of being unfit I believe they run up against the right to have access to the documents on which such a point was made. Otherwise there is not a means by which to form a proper rebuttal. I would ask those with more experience than myself to please either point out where I am wrong (Expense not being an issue as there is always that fact) or if I am correct where a person could find the laws that fully support this position (having issues finding clear ones myself). -Michael
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