Author Topic: Stupid open carry - Ann Arbor Art Fair  (Read 16564 times)

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Offline TucTom

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Re: Stupid open carry - Ann Arbor Art Fair
« Reply #20 on: July 19, 2014, 08:28:56 PM »
"I was up close to the head of the march and I see a tall young guy who was standing there having positioned himself to block the marchers and giving everybody the finger (both hands). Oh yeah, he was carrying his automatic in a drop holster.
" and then "You can speculate all you want about what you consider bs but this wasn't, and no I didn't start taking pictures of this kid I was standing right next to. "

So, I will ask this of you. Which above statement is true?

Offline gryphon

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Re: Stupid open carry - Ann Arbor Art Fair
« Reply #21 on: July 19, 2014, 09:20:44 PM »
Arab students from several of the surrounding colleges decided to have a protest here over the war in Gaza.

Is U of M bombing the Palestinians?  I'm confused.

Offline Shadow Bear

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Re: Stupid open carry - Ann Arbor Art Fair
« Reply #22 on: July 19, 2014, 09:54:53 PM »
What war in Gaza? Are we talking about the dumbasses who keep lobbing rockets at the Jews? Did they expect to provoke Israel with impunity? I think not.

Lets not have any crap about 'it's only a few Hamas that are the trouble makers'- the rest of the residents of Gaza could stop them, if they REALLY felt that Hamas was not representing them. Instead, they offer themselves as human shields to protect the rockets.

I support Israel bombing Gaza back to the Stoneage.
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Offline stiofan

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Re: Stupid open carry - Ann Arbor Art Fair
« Reply #23 on: July 19, 2014, 10:16:37 PM »
"I was up close to the head of the march and I see a tall young guy who was standing there having positioned himself to block the marchers and giving everybody the finger (both hands). Oh yeah, he was carrying his automatic in a drop holster.
" and then "You can speculate all you want about what you consider bs but this wasn't, and no I didn't start taking pictures of this kid I was standing right next to. "

So, I will ask this of you. Which above statement is true?
Ummmm. Automatics are not semi-autos. Calling them such just shows ignorance.

Both statements are true. I was at the very front of the march and when he stood in front to block it I was standing right next to him. Simple huh.

Offline stiofan

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Re: Stupid open carry - Ann Arbor Art Fair
« Reply #24 on: July 19, 2014, 10:32:19 PM »
What war in Gaza? Are we talking about the dumbasses who keep lobbing rockets at the Jews? ....I support Israel bombing Gaza back to the Stoneage.

Check the news and you'll see that the dumbassess got shelled and bombed for ten days and then the Israeli Army crossed the border in force where they remain as of right now. In my neck of the woods that is what is called a "war.'

Offline Jeff

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Re: Stupid open carry - Ann Arbor Art Fair
« Reply #25 on: July 19, 2014, 11:03:54 PM »
I have heard them referred to as "automatics" in several GOOD movies from the 80's.

Offline gryphon

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Re: Stupid open carry - Ann Arbor Art Fair
« Reply #26 on: July 19, 2014, 11:24:39 PM »
On the off chance stiofan was telling the truth, I decided to read all the news reports I could from the rally.  I read mlive, coverage from an Arabic site, coverage from the University of Michigan (umich), and more.  I watched video and saw dozens of photographs.  In not one story or news report or photograph or video did I see any counter-protester blocking the way, much less an open carrier holding up his or her middle fingers.

In fact, the University of Michigan mentioned a lot of actions of people against the rally.  Drivers honked their horns and yelled at the pro-Palestinian protesters, and the people who traveled and bought tables at the art fair complained about the pro-Palestinian protesters who were disrupting their activities.  But the ultra-liberal UofM didn't once mention an open carrier or anyone who blocked the path of the march.

Offline stiofan

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Re: Stupid open carry - Ann Arbor Art Fair
« Reply #27 on: July 20, 2014, 12:57:24 AM »
In not one story or news report or photograph or video did I see any counter-protester blocking the way, much less an open carrier holding up his or her middle fingers....But the ultra-liberal UofM didn't once mention an open carrier or anyone who blocked the path of the march."

I didn't see any reporters or news photographers at the very front of the march on State Street where this incident happened and in fact I only saw one news photographers at the rally later in front of the Grad library. There were also no cops except for one officer who stopped the march briefly to tell them to quit using their bullhorn or he would start making arrests. The kids quit using it and the cop split.

The whole incident with the OC guy was over very quickly and luckily he was not shouting or saying anything - just giving the the double "f*** you." As just one guy he wasn't going to stop anything and by being planted right in the middle of the route of march, all he was going to do was get enveloped quickly, which he was. I was so close to him I didn't even see he was carrying at first because I was standing on his left side and didn't anything other than the middle fingers he was waving round until I moved to the edge of protestors-to my left and wound up on his right when i saw his automatic in a drop holster.

Of course if this is all just liberal conspiracy to discredit the OC movement - please consider the following. I didn't go find a cop or send an email to newspaper or post this on face book or call up Rachel Maddow. This is the only place I have posted because while I don't OC, I strongly support the right of Michigan citizens to fully exercise their rights under the law. My impression until yesterday was that people who did OC were universally the most responsible and thoughtful gun owners who were hyper aware of their responsibilities. I reported here what I witnessed because I honestly hoped that this young man might be a reader and respond as to just what he thought he was doing.

If people here belief that it is impossible that someone exercising their right to carry would act in such a manner than I have bad news for you. It happened and I saw it. As he left the march and once he was out of the crowd of protestors I did yell at them that he was a disgrace to the open carry movement because he was. If you want to disagree with that proposition I would like to hear your reasons.

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Re: Stupid open carry - Ann Arbor Art Fair
« Reply #28 on: July 20, 2014, 03:09:51 AM »
I'm done with this thread.
I Am Not A Lawyer (nor a gunsmith).