Not an idiot. His side is tax funded, and he has qualified immunity, so it personally costs him nothing to take Embody to trial and lose.
His side has already driven Embody into foreclosure and bankruptcy, so unless they can convict him of something or seize what few assets he has left there's nothing to gain either, other than dragging Embody through a court process that he seems to be almost enjoying.
For Embody's side, he's got nothing left to lose, and he desperately wants to win a civil suit that will buy him a new house.
His problem in civil court is that the cops usually have PC, even on shaky grounds, for arrest and the real criminal violations of his rights are done by immune lawyers. In this case, he refused to produce tax papers on the suppressor, so they arrested him on suspicion of having an untaxed suppressor. I really think we need to change the rules so that crooked prosecutors can either be sued or criminally charged when they insist on prosecuting for crimes that never happened and there is no evidence to support the charges.