Ran usual errors today with my 9 y.o. son...Utica Bakery, Walwart, GanderMountain(Utica) to review a PK .380 they have on sale for the wife , Home Depot, Sam's and then Subway(on Van Dyke north of Utica Road) to p/u some lunch and take home to eat...Sterling Height Police often frequent there as well...I did not notice any squad cars upon entering so I wasn't mentally prepared to encounter any but when I walked in a SH LEO was having lunch right there in front of me...I kept my composer. waited in line and went about ordering our meals as everyone else was...it was lunch time and many customers...I know the LEO had to have seen my Witness .45 fully exposed, properly holstered ofcourse...I also use a second belt for this behemouth due to its weight and size...I was so close to him he could have just as well reached over a little and disarm me if he wanted...but he never said anything or even a second look nor did anyone else for that matter...we OC'ers anticipate a LEO encounter and wonder how we will handle ourselves at that point in time...This was a impromptu if ever there was...I kept my focus, I always have my ID and CPL when I carry open or otherwise...all in all a good experience even though it was a non-experience...Just thought I would share with my fellow MOC members...Have a great day and Carry-On!