Author Topic: Trio of Anti-Gun Senators Attempts Bullying Kroger on Banning Open Carry  (Read 2440 times)

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Offline Rustykeys

  • Posts: 71

A trio of anti-gun U. S. Senators are attempting to bully Kroger Corporation into banning open carry in their stores, regardless of state and federal laws.

    Sens. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), and Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) sent a letter to Kroger Co. CEO, W. Rodney McMullen, on Tuesday asking him to implement storewide policies that would prevent individuals from openly carrying firearms into Kroger locations.

    “We write today to urge you to adopt a policy that would prohibit the open carry of firearms in your stores,” the letter stated. “In doing so, Kroger would be sending an important message about your commitment to the safety of your employees and customers.”

    The senators cited recent events, where Kroger customers have brought assault rifles while shopping.

    “Gun extremists in several states have exploited the current Kroger policy by flaunting assault rifles as they shopped. These bizarre displays must be     terrifying for Kroger employees and customers,” the senators wrote. “The current Kroger policy allows for these demonstrations.”

To the best of our knowledge, there was one incident of AKM open carry in a Kroger in Texas, more than a year ago. No laws were broken, and to the best we can determine, none of the customers or employees were even alarmed by the incident.

In respond to this one-off non-event that would have been unknown except for a social media post discovered almost a year later by a gun control group, these rabid, unreasoning, and serially dishonest politicians are attempting to bully Kroger into adopting a store policy that will force employees to go beyond state and federal laws. They would put Kroger employees in the awkward position of having to confront customers and tell them that even though they not breaking any laws of any kind, that they are no longer valued customers.

Instead of creating an inclusive environment, these bullying Senators are attempting to divide Americans by ostracizing those who chose to exercise their right to legally and safetly bear arms.

There have been no incidents of violence or intimidation associated with lawful open carriers in or around the chain’s stores, and the drive to outlaw open carry is entirely the work of Bloomberg-funded Moms Demand Action, a group that seems powerful as a social media presence, but which can rarely turn out more than 20 protesters in even the most populous of cities, and which managed a sad showing of just 156 souls ( a substantial number of them being media) as they attempted to protest the NRA Annual Meeting in Indianapolis this past summer.

Gun rights are expanding in the United States, with concealed and/or open carry legal in all 50 states and the District of Columbia in some form or fashion. More than 57,000 business welcome gun owners as customers, some of them even offering discounts to gun owners as a “thank you” for the crime deterrent that lawful carriers represent.

Once again, Blumenthal, Murphy, and Feinstein are on the wrong side of history, rushing headlong in opposition to the human and constitutional right to armed self-defense as they hide behind their own armed security.
“We must hang together, gentlemen…else, we shall most assuredly hang separately.”
– Benjamin Franklin

A right not exercised is a right lost.

Offline part deux

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Re: Trio of Anti-Gun Senators Attempts Bullying Kroger on Banning Open Carry
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2014, 08:33:02 PM »
And how many of us sent a letter to Kroger's CEO?

Here's mine
Rodney McMullen
Kroger, Inc
1014 Vine Street
Cincinnati OH 45202

Dear Mr. McMullen,

It is unfortunate that an uninformed and misguided group, mom’s demand action, is dragging Kroger’s (and other retailers) into their attempt to usurp our constitutional rights to legally carry defensive firearms.  As some retailers are beginning to realize, folding to the bullying and extorsion of a small, albeit very vocal and well-funded group is negatively impacting their business and revenue.  There was an interesting discussion held outside one of our local Kroger stores between the massive (5 or 6) MDA protestors and a firearm advocate.  MDA group admitted that it was acceptable for CPL (conceal pistol license) holder to carry… only one problem, to carry at Kroger, it is MI state law that a person have a CPL.  Their argument is completely empty and without merit.

Due to the inconvenient location of my closest Kroger store, I’m an infrequent shopper, but will continue to shop at Kroger whenever possible.

A few years ago, right before Christmas, my wife and I became separated in the Kroger parking lot by a few dozen feet.  She noticed a couple of guys heading straight for her as she was fumbling in her purse.  She double timed it to catch up to me, and I was open carrying my firearm.  They literally turned around and headed 180° in the opposite direction.  Was it an issue, or did they forget where they parked their car?  It really hit home with me several points.  First, maybe there is something to the whole OC deterrent argument.  Second, I really should carry anywhere I’m legally allowed to carry.  Third, nobody, not the police, not Kroger, nobody, except me is responsible for my families safety.

Thank you again for not folding under the extreme marketing campaign.  This occasion customer appreciates your position and understanding, and will continue to shop at Kroger.
