Michigan Open Carry Seminar - Novi Saturday January 3rd @ 3:00pm
Never open carried before? Curious about it?
Join us on Saturday January 3rd at 3:00pm for an Open Carry seminar at the Novi Gander Mountain.
Lawful Open Carry of a Holstered handgun is welcomed (but not required).
These seminars, presented by Michigan Open Carry, are an excellent opportunity to learn about the laws and myths that surround the Open Carry of a handgun in Michigan.
Bring a friend and learn about open carry in Michigan and more from Michigan Open Carry, Inc.
When: Saturday January 3rd at 3:00pm
Where: Novi Gander Mountain
43825 West Oaks Drive
Novi, MI 48377
https://goo.gl/maps/EM7dYImmediately following the Michigan Open Carry Seminar, there will be a Michigan Open Carry Dinner at the nearby Gourmet Buffet, starting at 6:00pm.
MOC Dinner details: