Author Topic: Alleged BATFE snitch John Brown nominated for NRA Directorship.  (Read 4691 times)

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Offline CitizensHaveRights

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“Mr. Brown's connection to ATF extends beyond his acknowledgment that the information to which he alluded in his comment came from ATF itself,” FICG continues. “Indeed, as Richard Vasquez -- ATF's Chief of the Firearms Training Branch and previous Assistant and Acting Chief of the Firearms Technology Branch -- testified under oath only last year, Mr. Brown ‘interacted with ATF a lot,’ was a friend since at least 2006, had personally transferred two firearms to him, had transferred firearms to other ATF employees, visited ATF ‘to meet and become personal with a lot of the offices’ over a period of years, and provided him with information to pass along to ATF for ATF's use in a forfeiture proceeding.

“Mr. Brown apparently went so far as to forward e-mails he had received from a FFL involved in litigation with ATF to ATF for ATF's use in the litigation against the FFL,” the FICG narrative continues. “Indeed, Mr. Brown was not surprised to be characterized as a ‘confidential source’ for Acting Chief Vasquez and ATF.

“Despite having acquired three machineguns illegally manufactured by George D. Clark, Mr. Brown seems to be the only FFL in that situation that ATF never referred for prosecution,” FICG asserts. “In fact, ATF knowingly left Mr. Brown in possession of that contraband for six weeks and then promptly destroyed that evidence before the completion of prosecutions of other individuals in possession of Mr. Clark's machineguns.

“In addition, during this same time period Mr. Brown, together with the attorney he reportedly hired to prepare the NFATCA petition upon which ATF now relies, hired two 30-year veterans of ATF who simultaneously worked together with ATF to draft the National Firearms Act Handbook.

Our nomination process is broken. The most egregious example of this is the nomination of John K. Brown.

As President of the National Firearms Act Traders and Collectors Association (NFATCA), John Brown went beyond aiding the BATFE in development of Rule 41P’s infringement on Trusts and actually submitted the petition to initiate the rulemaking. His comment included the verbiage:

    “Interestingly enough, there is absolutely no background or NICS check required. Having no background check on someone buying a machine gun or other NFA item creates a tremendous risk to all those who have collected NFA items for years. Knowing that convicted felons have procured NFA items through a trust means there must be changes made at some point in this process.“

The bolded statement was not backed up with any information beyond Brown’s statements to the Firearms Industry Consulting Group (FICG) that he didn’t know of any incidents personally but was going off of things he learned “inside the ATF for 10 years.” This means the ATF told him there was a crime, then he submitted a public comment “reporting” that crime to the ATF, validated the conclusion they already wanted to reach.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2015, 11:03:51 AM by CitizensHaveRights »
"A well balanced breakfast being necessary to the start of a healthy day, the right of the people to keep and eat food shall not be infringed "  - Who has a right to keep and eat food, The People or A Well Balanced Breakfast?