You mean the staus quo that all CPL holders enjoyed but few used?
BTW: If more than 1 person used it, it could not be self centered.
Yes, you are right of course. I can get my CPl renewed in about 2 months in my county with the gun board not playing dirty, so why do I care if this bill helps others in counties that have less integrity? Maybe because it does help those other people in those counties.
As to the MI pistol thing, sorry you lost your technicality, but it is really of no relevance here. This bill is about making MI a true Shall Issue state, as it should have been done back in 2001.
"Gee, my certificate expires after 5 years." Well damn, if I am going to take the class I am not going to wait 5 years to file for one. Plus a one year grace period to renew, as opposed to a 0 day grace period now.
They raised the fees by $10. If you can afford the gun, the class costs, the continual training, etc, then you can afford the $10 increase, especially when you don't have to pay $5-$10 for the photo someplace else and still run the risk of it being rejected. With them taking the photo's that is on them, not you. P.S. if the $10 is that much of a burden, just don't get your Starbuck's coffee for 3 days that year, no problem, there is your $10.
People need to realize that the Legislature is NOT Burger King, It's not always "Your way" all the time. These things take time and effort on many peoples parts to pull together and get passed. Instead of only complaining about what you think is bad, look at the good as well. Sorry to say, but you will never get everything you want (hint, Constitutional Carry) over night. There are many years of fighting to go to get there.