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Re: OCer prompts school lockdown in Madison Heights
« Reply #20 on: March 12, 2015, 10:44:56 AM »
It is against the law to possess a pistol on school grounds.  Your CPL is proof of your exemption.  What's to stop your arrest for violating the law?  You don't have to show your CPL, but they could arrest you for violating a law.  Your defense--your proof of exemption--either on the street, in the police station, or in court, is your CPL.  Where do you want to show your CPL?  It's your choice.

That's different from walking down the street openly carrying (no law against it).  It's also different from stopping a driver just because "he might not possess a valid DL."  There is no RAS, just driving doesn't appear to be violating a law.  Carrying in a PFZ does appear to be violating a law.

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Re: OCer prompts school lockdown in Madison Heights
« Reply #21 on: March 12, 2015, 10:50:11 AM »
MCL 28.422 makes it illegal to purchases, carry, possess, or transport a pistol without a license. MCL 28.422a and 28.432 provide for exemptions.

Carrying down the street is against the law (unless licensed or exempted). However, we have so many exemptions that we effectively call it unlicensed carry now.

Offline 13mile9

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Re: OCer prompts school lockdown in Madison Heights
« Reply #22 on: March 12, 2015, 12:27:51 PM »
Also to add... there has been great praise for 50 folks legally OC'n at the school board meeting.  Remaining within context of this thread, how did anyone know that all 50 were legally on school property with their weapon?   Were the folks/LEO checking for CPL's at the door?  (To add...being I wasn't present, my assumption is the board meeting was on school property -- as our meetings are...)
« Last Edit: March 12, 2015, 12:41:52 PM by 13mile9 »

Offline CV67PAT

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Re: OCer prompts school lockdown in Madison Heights
« Reply #23 on: March 12, 2015, 12:33:47 PM »
The 4th protects us from seizures that are "unreasonable".

It is "reasonable" for a police office to "suspect" that a crime is being committed when a person open carries a firearm on school property, because of the strictly regulated nature of firearm possession.

Therefore it is RAS for a LEO to detain (seize) a person for the purpose of determining if the person is licensed to posses a firearm at that time and place.

Of course the person can refuse to answer any questions without an attorney present. (This is different than invoking the right to remain silent.)

At that time the person will be arrested. And since they refused to identify themselves, the person will not be eligible for intirim bond. This means that the person will have to remain in custody (jail) until scheduled to appear for a hearing before a magistrate for arraignment. It is almost a guarantee that the person will be held over for trial.

At trial the person will be able to present his CPL as an affirmative defense. And in all likelihood found not guilty.

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Offline TucTom

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Re: OCer prompts school lockdown in Madison Heights
« Reply #24 on: March 12, 2015, 01:10:06 PM »
13mile, if I am reading this thread correctly both the school and yourself know there is nothing illegal happening. So I will ask you, are you calling the school and telling them to stop harassing the OCer and to teach the kids?

Offline TheQ

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Re: OCer prompts school lockdown in Madison Heights
« Reply #25 on: March 12, 2015, 02:28:29 PM »

He just came through again today... about a half hour ago.  We'll have more videos tonight I'm sure.  The video above is 1 of 4 from last week.    The cops were watching him today as well, but I don't think they had any interactions -- again, I'm sure we'll find out shortly. 

I do have a question:  one of you smart guys can answer this.  His closest encounter with the Madison Heights Police department was actually on the Lamphere School property.. as he left the side walk and proceeded up the drive to approach the office near the trees.   Technically, "at that point" could the police have requested ID and proof of a CPL?  Just curious.

i.e. -- if we are in a gun free zone open carrying, can an officer (or those in charge of the property) request proof of your CPL to show that your are within the law?   

Real life pro-gun lawyers I know say yes, the cops could.

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Offline 13mile9

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Re: OCer prompts school lockdown in Madison Heights
« Reply #26 on: March 13, 2015, 12:06:11 AM »
13mile, if I am reading this thread correctly both the school and yourself know there is nothing illegal happening. So I will ask you, are you calling the school and telling them to stop harassing the OCer and to teach the kids?

Great question...
1.  No, I don't believe anything illegal happened; and I'm rather certain the school is of the same mindset.  I don't believe the officers did either.  However, I do not have any information regarding their history with him.  If they didn't know him -- I'm of the mindset the officers should have immediately asked for ID and his CPL when he stepped off the public side walk and proceeded up the school drive to the speak to the officer parked under the tree.  Again, these few seconds of the encounter is what I wanted to point out.  He does state in the video he has CPL after leaving school property, but anybody can lie.  However, the officers actions revealed they didn't believe anything illegal was going on.  They were just annoyed...cautious, etc.. ??   

2.  You mentioned the school harassing him.  There is no evidence of that whatsoever.  If anything, the school principal has every right to know the legality of someone entering the property OC'n.  That's not harassment.  That's insuring the safety of those he responsible for.  Again, no evidence of harassment. 
However... if one were to watch the MDA video, you would think differently.  They would have you believe the kids were scurried off to dark closets and rooms to wait out the scary gunmen seeking to enter the school grounds...  That is extremely far from the truth...

3.  I did begin to write a letter to the superintendent, (to ask to cut out the lock downs...)  based on my assumptions of their reactions.  Well, in speaking with my children, according to them and their interactions with the teachers, this was treated rather well inside the school.  After the lockdown, the teachers explained what was going on, explained what the man was doing... in exercising his 2nd amendment rights, etc..etc..  They never spoke negative, etc..etc...   I do believe it frustrated the teachers/principal because they do seem to have a policy they have to follow --- Lockdown.. Man approaching school, in camo, carrying rifle... well... what do you do? 

Again, I backed off on writing, because I personally didn't hear any evidence from my children that offended me in how the school handled it. 
NOTE:  when he "does" come back around ( he will ), I do hope the officers properly profile him, acknowledge it's the same guy, and not do suggest to the school to do another lock down.  (...and I don't know if the PD actually requests lockdowns either...)

I don't believe anyone associated with MOC would agree that its o.k. to purposely desensitize the population to OC'n by continually pushing the lock down buttons at a local school.  I believe this individual knows he is doing this.  In my opinion, it is wrong.

4.  I do want to point out another area where I am confused.  He posted a video over a month ago entering the Madison Heights Police Department... and he attempted what he labeled a friendly conversation.  He indeed was actually in the Police Department.  In the March 4th series of videos, he makes a big deal out of the Police Department being locked.  He never went to the Police Department (while video recording)!   He instead walked up to the front of the city offices -- and did so during their lunch hour when they are closed.   How could he possibly go to the Police Department in February of 2015, have a conversation in the lobby, and then 1 week ago (March of 2015) walk up to the wrong building claiming it to be the Police Department.       ***Even at a certain video minute marker, you can pause and observe that he proceeded past a sign pointing to the Police Department -- while at that exact moment saying the words the Police Department is locked up.  The video never shows he went to the actual Police Department.

I'm confused.  Is this the same guy from the February video?  It's the same user name.  Same Voice.  Is this man sane?  Is he actually stable?  Was he nervous from the previous 30 minutes of crazy police encounters...and wasn't thinking straight?   Did he do it on purpose?  He seems well calculated in all he does up to that point -- and in other videos for that matter.   

This is an incredibly odd to me.     

No need to answer those statements in my point #4, as I'm sure the moderators here want this guy gone from the discussions.   However, I felt it necessary to point out my areas of confusion. 

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Re: OCer prompts school lockdown in Madison Heights
« Reply #27 on: March 13, 2015, 12:44:58 AM »
The lockdown is the decision of the administrators.  Repeatedly calling the police amounts to harassment.

Calling a lockdown a disruption to the learning process and then leveraging that to discourage lawful conduct is manipulative and oppressive.  It is akin to a toddler throwing a temper tantrum when they don't get their way. 

Giving in to a tantrum only reinforces the behaviour.  If you don't want to be trolled, don't feed the trolls.
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Offline Xpiatio

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Re: OCer prompts school lockdown in Madison Heights
« Reply #28 on: March 13, 2015, 10:00:39 AM »
While I personally do not think its wise to carry a rifle on school grounds, I do support open carry of a pistol on school grounds.  Regardless, I think a guy carrying a gun with a perceived temper problem becomes a liability.   These type of encounters do open carry an injustice.  It plays right into their hands of "look open carry is dangerous".   While it may become annoying to have police follow you around or perhaps "harass" you. I do not think he should have lost his temper.  It did not help his cause any.  It could have caused an impasse of the pending lawsuit against Clio, a different school district.  Bad legislation is rushed legislation. I can see rushed legislation stemming from situations like this.

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Re: OCer prompts school lockdown in Madison Heights
« Reply #29 on: March 13, 2015, 12:02:59 PM »
As I told WWJ talk radio in Detroit: I support someone's right to be a jerk, but I will not support their jerky behavior nor associate with said jerk.

This guy, in his behavior, was a jerk. Not because he carried a riffle, but because of his words and attitude.
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Offline CV67PAT

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Re: OCer prompts school lockdown in Madison Heights
« Reply #30 on: March 13, 2015, 03:45:26 PM »
I have a problem being in proximity to people with anger management issues.

I have an even greater problem being in proximity of armed people with anger management issues attempting to enter an occupied school with no lawful reason for being there.

This nutjob is know to lurk around occupied playgrounds while armed with his sniper rifle.
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Offline Xpiatio

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Re: OCer prompts school lockdown in Madison Heights
« Reply #32 on: March 13, 2015, 06:47:35 PM »
I have a problem being in proximity to people with anger management issues.

I have an even greater problem being in proximity of armed people with anger management issues attempting to enter an occupied school with no lawful reason for being there.

This nutjob is know to lurk around occupied playgrounds while armed with his sniper rifle.

Offline TucTom

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Re: OCer prompts school lockdown in Madison Heights
« Reply #33 on: March 14, 2015, 11:23:09 AM »

Offline CV67PAT

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Offline CitizensHaveRights

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Re: OCer prompts school lockdown in Madison Heights
« Reply #35 on: March 15, 2015, 06:19:32 PM »
"A well balanced breakfast being necessary to the start of a healthy day, the right of the people to keep and eat food shall not be infringed "  - Who has a right to keep and eat food, The People or A Well Balanced Breakfast?

Offline CitizensHaveRights

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"A well balanced breakfast being necessary to the start of a healthy day, the right of the people to keep and eat food shall not be infringed "  - Who has a right to keep and eat food, The People or A Well Balanced Breakfast?