I am not proposing to "hurt" gun owners.
Then please explain.
Gun safes are one way. Not a perfect solution, as you pointed out.
What is it you want to "make it perfect"? How do you propose that this is put into place? What would be your requirements to this proposed law?
Universal background checks, also nipping at a small part of the problem.
Okay I will admit I am not a guy who has or knows all of the numbers but being that background checks are already required for handguns and I would guess the majority of crimes are committed with a handgun. What would requiring background checks do? (oh yeah we already have them)
Straw buyers and corrupt gun dealers appear to be the biggest part of the problem. How do we deal with that? Go after the problem. Throw the book at corrupt dealers.
So you propose that the laws that are
already in place are actually used? What would need to change? The Government, prosecutors etc not the law.
Track the straw buyers. Which means keeping records and fully funding the ATF and allowing them to do their job.
Are you saying give the ATF more money because they can't but more importantly DON"T already do their job? Please explain fully just what you would want to see.
Prosecute LEOS who allow guns to fall into the wrong hands.
Once again the laws are already there. Who's fault is it that the prosecutions are not happening? Please explain what you want that is different.
We need to completely alter the gun culture in the US.
This I believe is your true belief.
If we are truly committed to making our streets safe, as we should be, then some of these ideas need to be part of the solution.
Being committed to making the streets safe should not start with "gun control" because criminals aren't people just like you and I. Then they get a gun and magically become criminals. The are already criminals who then get a gun however they can. And I believe there isn't anything you or I can do to stop it. Think "war on drugs"!!!
Personally I don't think any of these "hurt" a gun owner.
Explain all of the points and I will then judge whether your ideas "hurt" gun owners.
I would think that as gun owners, we would want to be part of the solution. Use our expertise to push for solutions that actually work, not foolish gun bans that haven't worked in the past.
As gun owners we (I believe) are already part of the solution. By carrying we are telling criminals that we aren't going to take it. And they better think twice.
So before we move on with more points lets now address each of these points first.
Thank you.