Author Topic: New Vice President  (Read 8242 times)

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Offline JRoehrig

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New Vice President
« on: July 28, 2015, 10:20:40 PM »
Hello Everyone,

For those of you who may not know me, I wanted to take a minute and introduce myself.

I am Johnny Roehrig, and I am now the Vice President of Michigan Open Carry, Inc.

What does that mean? Well, all positions related to MOC are volunteer. WE DO NOT GET PAID. We serve because we like serving. The position of the VP means that I will be acting directly under the President, Tom Lambert. I will be his right-hand during his term. I will be in-charge of working with the Regional Coordinators and helping to be a good ambassador to different businesses and government agencies. I will be working side-by-side with our Legislative Team as they continue fighting for gun rights in Michigan!

My immediate attention will be focused on the South East Region of Michigan by getting events going ASAP. We have a number of events in the works and we will keep you updated as they grow momentum.

The Board of Directors consists of 6 individuals:
Tom Lambert
Johnny Roehrig
Ryan Ransom
Randy Davis
Jason Gillman Jr.
Robert Harris

Any of these 6 people can help you when needed and are here to monitor the Facebook Group, Facebook Page, and the Michigan Open Carry Forums. We meet once a month on the 4th Tuesday at 9PM on an application called TeamSpeak. You can download it for free and join the meeting if you are a paid member. You can become a paid member by going to

Michigan Open Carry, Inc. has seen a lot of changes the past few months and all of them were for the good of the Organization as a whole. I want to personally thank all of you who have remained dues paying members throughout all of this. You have helped to make this a great organization and we are going to get even better from here on out!

We continue to have one of the largest voices in Lansing in regards to gun rights and I assure you we are NOT backing down from anything or anyone!

Thank You,

Johnny Roehrig
Vice President
Michigan Open Carry, Inc.

Molon Labe