A while back we changed to a secure connection, HTTPS v. HTTP. As I remember Jason said, "why not?"
Does this actually do anything for us? I ask because I believe HTTPS uses more memory (I assume). Whenever my computer runs low on available/contiguous memory HTTPS sites won't load. And it forces me to reboot my computer more often. At least using Chrome.
The root cause may be poorly written software that has memory leaks, or Windowz that has poor memory management. Or a combination of both. My problem, I know. I'm seriously thinking about switching back to Firefox because it doesn't have as many problems as Chrome (Chrome has other issues as well, particularly with some news sites and the various methods they are using for their comment section).
Of course, Firefox has it's own issues, like switching back and forth between being behind a firewall/VPN and not, forcing a restart of Firefox. Chrome can handle that.