was at a funeral this past weekend and at the farm where the wake was held i saw what i thought was another open carrier. i didn't OC or CC there but did approach him and asked if he was OC. said he was LEO- i won't mention the large oakland county department. really good guy and had a long conversation with him about OC.
he told me most of their officers were on board with it and welcome it. he personally likes the visual deterrent. their supervisors told them that if they (OC) aren't doing anything illegal leave them alone and don't risk expensive liability on the department from false arrest, defamation of character or harassment. he also said department won't let officers OC off duty. he said he did one time but with a visible badge and he got a MWAG call to his own department. officers will however let you know they saw you.
we exchanged LEO stories and he left asked me to look him up next time i'm there. i like to hear that. we may be closer to acceptance than we think. won't let my guard down still and he can't speak for everybody in his agency but it's a step closer. just thought i would share.