Author Topic: Defense of OC from somewhat unexpected source  (Read 5113 times)

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Offline jhelfand

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Defense of OC from somewhat unexpected source
« on: February 08, 2016, 02:27:15 PM »
by Tom Gresham on Gun Talk, on Florida proposed open carry law:

"If you have a carry permit, and you reach up to grab something off of a top shelf in a store, and your gun flashes for a moment, you should not be charged with a crime, you should not have the police come and handcuff you, that's just wrong.  We need open carry in every state, if for no other reason than that.  And if you are a concealed carry person, you need to support open carry because of that.  We're all in this boat together.  It reminds me of the hunters, 'I like that kind of hunting but I don't like that kind of hunting'.  Really?  You don't understand that when they get rid of those guys they're coming after you?  Same here, they get rid of the open carry they are coming after your concealed carry guys."

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Re: Defense of OC from somewhat unexpected source
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2016, 06:16:35 PM »
This is exactly correct.  Legal OC helps everyone, whether one chooses to OC or not.  And the part about further restrictions on carry is also correct.  Ever since Florida went to "Shall Issue" in 1987 the anti-gunners have gone after concealed carry.  Because "blood in the streets."   Now that OC is becoming more popular and more widespread their focus has switched away from CC laws to OC.  You can be sure that if OC were outlawed they'd switch their focus back to CC laws and trying to force businesses to prohibit CC in their stores and restaurants.

Anti-gun groups have pressured many businesses in states with "signs have the force of law" laws, such as Ohio, Texas, and Arizona, to post "no carry" signage.  Initially a number of businesses did so, but over the years many of those signs have come down.  Groups like Everytown and MDA would like nothing better than to take away our concealed carry rights as well.

Back in the Jan 2015 issue of the MOC Newsletter, in an article titled "Winning the Battle, Losing the War" I wrote:

"Remember, the only gun control that will be even remotely effective is a complete, 100% gun ban. Back when groups like the National Coalition to Ban Handguns and Handgun Control Incorporated were new, they described a process whereby they were going to completely do away with handgun ownership by slowly adding one little restriction on top of another over a couple of decades. More than 40 years later they are still sticking to that strategy with new language and new tactics, but the target—destruction of the “gun culture” and the right to keep and bear arms—remains the same."

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Re: Defense of OC from somewhat unexpected source
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2016, 06:57:23 PM »
I'm personal friends with Tom... know him from outside of firearms, and was even around when he talked about starting the show.  I thought he suffered from too much lead damage to think he could do a weekly show on guns :)

Tom has generally been anti OC and if you listened to him interview TXOC Grisham, he is adamant their "in your face" OC damages gun rights.  His position has softened somewhat over the last couple of years.

A couple of weeks ago, he mentioned Lori and I, IRC on his after show, stating that we do it the "right way", by just going about our daily business.  Tom and I part ways on that point.  If it wasn't for the Innovators who led the way and allowing us early adopters to do it the "right way".  I recognize the predecessors and their Yoman efforts to pave the road for the rest of us.

I would love to hear MI OC leadership interviewed on Gun Talk.  I think the leadership, past and present, could serve as a guide on how to expand gun rights around the nation.

Offline Langenc

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Re: Defense of OC from somewhat unexpected source
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2016, 07:10:19 PM »
by Tom Gresham on Gun Talk, on Florida proposed open carry law:

"If you have a carry permit, and you reach up to grab something off of a top shelf in a store, and your gun flashes for a moment, you should not be charged with a crime, you should not have the police come and handcuff you, that's just wrong.  We need open carry in every state, if for no other reason than that.  And if you are a concealed carry person, you need to support open carry because of that.  We're all in this boat together.  It reminds me of the hunters, 'I like that kind of hunting but I don't like that kind of hunting'.  Really?  You don't understand that when they get rid of those guys they're coming after you?  Same here, they get rid of the open carry they are coming after your concealed carry guys."

Hang together or separate!! If you don't want a 160 mph Corvette, fine but don't limit my ability to have one.. apply the OC situation to that one. You may decide next year that you want one (OC) but you supported doing away with it. Then youd have to eat your words. Remember "....shall not infringe...."