Author Topic: L. Brooks Patterson staff email response  (Read 6804 times)

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Offline wardog6t

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L. Brooks Patterson staff email response
« on: August 19, 2010, 06:06:38 PM »
Mr. Citizen


Brooks served in the Army too defending the Constitution. Brooks does not oppose the open carry law… nor the 2nd Amendment. In fact, he supports them. His fear is that the political group Open Carry will drive attendance down at an event that supports about 10 charities. That has been his concern.


This same group attempted a confrontation in Ferndale too. They called up recently-retired Police Chief Michael Kitchen 5 months ago to let him know they were coming in to pick up trash off the streets and they would have their firearms at their side. Chief Kitchen told them that they are welcome, he’d provide the trash bags and have DPW pick them up. The group came in with their “volunteers.” A bit after an hour, when they realized police were not responding to confront them, they left, not completing the trash pick up.


His dispute is with this political group that chooses events to turn them on their heads for the group’s publicity. Brooks does not oppose anyone’s rights to carry.


I hope that clarifies a little further for you.
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Offline cabman1

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Re: L. Brooks Patterson staff email response
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2010, 06:30:28 PM »
When did we do a liter clean up in ferndale!!!
My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of  Michigan Open Carry Inc or the law.

Offline emt805

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Re: L. Brooks Patterson staff email response
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2010, 06:44:37 PM »
"His dispute is with this political group that chooses events to turn them on their heads for the group’s publicity"

That is not MI open carry, once again the press getting it wrong. They have no idea who it was so they assume it is MI open carry

Offline FatboyCykes

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Re: L. Brooks Patterson staff email response
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2010, 10:12:41 PM »
We did one up woodward last year I believe it was, and we didn't leave for lack of attention, we left simply because after an hour we had very little litter, it was a very clean stretch of woodward/city.

Offline Michigander

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Re: L. Brooks Patterson staff email response
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2010, 11:49:57 PM »
We left early because the weather was bad. There was enough trash there to pick up a notable amount, but the later Gratiot clean up was MUCH nastier.

And I do not know where the idea about offering to help with bags and pickup came from. That did not happen. Also, it was definitely not 5 months ago, more like over a year ago now.

Offline AutumnArcher

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Re: L. Brooks Patterson staff email response
« Reply #5 on: August 21, 2010, 09:46:57 PM »
Brooks is placing blame on "political groups". Being the consummate politician, he places the blame of "potentially" causing the loss of revenue to the charities on OC rather than stating the clearly obvious.
Due to a contract between ABE and Royal Oak, the violation of state law and civil rights caused citizens to stand against it. The blame should be on ABE and Royal Oak, not on those who's rights were  infringed upon.  We did no wrong, they did. We just pointed it out and made it public. Brooks' comments are typical blame the victim politics. But he is an overpriced, overpaid, pompous windbag whos nothing more than a career politician. What he is doing is simply trying to castigate us for refusing to allow our rights to be trampled, rather than standing up for( like he claims he does) for the 2A and OC and blasting the responsible parties for infringing on the rights of the people.

Offline drtodd

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Re: L. Brooks Patterson staff email response
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2010, 10:41:53 PM »
Brooks is placing blame on "political groups". Being the consummate politician, he places the blame of "potentially" causing the loss of revenue to the charities on OC rather than stating the clearly obvious.
Due to a contract between ABE and Royal Oak, the violation of state law and civil rights caused citizens to stand against it. The blame should be on ABE and Royal Oak, not on those who's rights were  infringed upon.  We did no wrong, they did. We just pointed it out and made it public. Brooks' comments are typical blame the victim politics. But he is an overpriced, overpaid, pompous windbag whos nothing more than a career politician. What he is doing is simply trying to castigate us for refusing to allow our rights to be trampled, rather than standing up for( like he claims he does) for the 2A and OC and blasting the responsible parties for infringing on the rights of the people.

Actually, THEY bear the responsibility of the issue becoming so "public".  If the commission had just changed the contract instead of thinking that they were "right", this would have been just a small footnote in the history of this event.  Instead, they turned this whole issue into a "power play" and... they lost. 
Now, instead of just dropping it and moving on to more pressing business, they vow to change the law so that they once again appear "powerful" in their own eyes.  If instead of regarding those who came to point out the illegality of their actions as adversarial they instead saw the information as an opportunity to do what is right, they would have probably had only a handful of people show up to ABE carrying a handgun.  Now, they are very likely going to have a large number of people openly carrying a firearm. I've even considered attending just to remind the commission that they "serve" at the whim of the citizens.
But their smugness and contempt of those who dare question them continues! Instead of just declaring that those who advocated for the change regarding firearms were correct, they intend to spend a large amount of money and time to try to change the law.  My guess is that they will once again lose, thereby showing how incompetent they truly are as community leaders.

Like a narcissist unwilling to concede defeat, this behavior will probably ensure each commission member's eventual political demise.  I'm referring here to Commissioner Rasor who actually went on a radio program to proclaim that he and the commission were above the law. 

Perhaps members here who live in RO would be interested in a designing a recall petition based upon this fact alone?
"The claim and exercise of a constitutional right cannot be converted into a crime." Miller v. U.S. 230 F 486 at 489

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