Author Topic: New MOC website – solicitation for comments  (Read 85487 times)

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Offline JSteinmetz

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Re: New MOC website – solicitation for comments
« Reply #20 on: March 01, 2019, 05:48:33 AM »
Well, I apologise for trying to suggest things to help with the VPN issue. Forums are commonly used with two or three underlying software packages, and I had assumed MOC was not the only forum you were having problems with. My intent was simply to provide a suggestion to help take care of a problem.

I also have problems attending all the meetings. I have three kids, and weekday evenings are extremely hectic for me. It is not uncommon for me to miss several meetings in a row during the school year. (It gets much easier for me once school is out and there is less going on.) I do still attempt to make as many as I can - even if I can only attend for half of the meeting, it is still my way of connecting.

I joined MOC and became a paying member because I believed in the organization. I did not join expecting to get something out of paying my dues, but realized that the membership fees go towards the operating costs of MOC. and that the intended purpose of MOC was not only to keep our rights protected, but also to introduce the information to new people - both law enforcement and citizens. The citizens have en masse moved over to social media. Therefore, MOC needed to follow suit and do the same. While it takes me a little bit more time to find out what is going on now, I do understand the need for MOC to do so. The ideas being pushed forward currently about the new web site are intended to provide the correct information in a more manageable manner. Again, no one is trying to slight the paying members, but MOC needs to be able to grow and reach new people as well. You have been here long enough to see the good MOC has done, and how much attention is being paid to us now versus when this whole thing started not that long ago.

I realize you are upset, and I hope you understand that these posts were not intended to 'fan the flames', but to explain my personal viewpoint on all this as well as the actions of the board. This was no easy decision for them to make - the discussion about it lasted about 45 mins or so during the meeting, and there was a several day email chain afterwards making sure that everyone was on the same page.  The reason this thread was started was to get opinions from the membership (paid members of course), keep them informed, and see if anyone suggested a different/better way to handle the problem.
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Offline gryphon

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Re: New MOC website – solicitation for comments
« Reply #21 on: March 01, 2019, 04:23:25 PM »
SuperTrucker, you probably know that TeamSpeak is available in an Android app as well if that would help you listen to/attend the Thursday meetings, but that doesn't help you when you are in areas of poor cell service as you said you sometimes are.  The new newsletter, the current one we started in 2016, is an effort to get all the BoD meeting info to the members who cannot (or otherwise do not) attend.  Out of 444 members, only maybe ten to twelve ever attend the meetings. :(

Offline Super Trucker

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Re: New MOC website – solicitation for comments
« Reply #22 on: March 01, 2019, 09:43:39 PM »
Well, I apologise for trying to suggest things to help with the VPN issue. Forums are commonly used with two or three underlying software packages, and I had assumed MOC was not the only forum you were having problems with. My intent was simply to provide a suggestion to help take care of a problem.

I also have problems attending all the meetings. I have three kids, and weekday evenings are extremely hectic for me. It is not uncommon for me to miss several meetings in a row during the school year. (It gets much easier for me once school is out and there is less going on.) I do still attempt to make as many as I can - even if I can only attend for half of the meeting, it is still my way of connecting.

I joined MOC and became a paying member because I believed in the organization. I did not join expecting to get something out of paying my dues, but realized that the membership fees go towards the operating costs of MOC. and that the intended purpose of MOC was not only to keep our rights protected, but also to introduce the information to new people - both law enforcement and citizens. The citizens have en masse moved over to social media. Therefore, MOC needed to follow suit and do the same. While it takes me a little bit more time to find out what is going on now, I do understand the need for MOC to do so. The ideas being pushed forward currently about the new web site are intended to provide the correct information in a more manageable manner. Again, no one is trying to slight the paying members, but MOC needs to be able to grow and reach new people as well. You have been here long enough to see the good MOC has done, and how much attention is being paid to us now versus when this whole thing started not that long ago.

I realize you are upset, and I hope you understand that these posts were not intended to 'fan the flames', but to explain my personal viewpoint on all this as well as the actions of the board. This was no easy decision for them to make - the discussion about it lasted about 45 mins or so during the meeting, and there was a several day email chain afterwards making sure that everyone was on the same page.  The reason this thread was started was to get opinions from the membership (paid members of course), keep them informed, and see if anyone suggested a different/better way to handle the problem.

Not need to apologize, you said it was my computer, even though I had already said in this thread that I highly doubt it was, a BoD member also said the same thing. That is only one minor thing I am disgusted about.

I like you joined back when there were problems and many of us made an effort to help, I was at the Taylor city council meeting with 20+ other members until damn near midnight trying to get their cops to pull their heads from their collective butts, have spent a couple weekends at cabelas working tables on the nra weekend etc, that is what I feel being a member is about. 

To be a member you should believe in and be proud to be part of a group, at this point I am not. 

As to the world going to social media, look at the membership numbers since the BoD went dark here, not much change.
Jan 2017 - 415 / Jan 2019 - 444.
I personally know at least a dozen that have left without saying anything, because as you can see, when you do say something it goes absolutely nowhere.
If members don't matter, why have an organization?

I am really not trying to fight with you, just pointing out flaws in the current thinking of the organization. I am done discussing this as it obviously is not accomplishing anything, the BoD have decided what they want and we are not part of that decision.

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Re: New MOC website – solicitation for comments
« Reply #23 on: March 01, 2019, 09:50:02 PM »
SuperTrucker, you probably know that TeamSpeak is available in an Android app as well if that would help you listen to/attend the Thursday meetings, but that doesn't help you when you are in areas of poor cell service as you said you sometimes are.  The new newsletter, the current one we started in 2016, is an effort to get all the BoD meeting info to the members who cannot (or otherwise do not) attend.  Out of 444 members, only maybe ten to twelve ever attend the meetings. :(

Thanks gryphon, as mentioned I gave up on the meetings years ago after being told most people were happy with how they were being done. Weekdays at bed time are difficult for many people to attend a meeting.

Offline JSteinmetz

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Re: New MOC website – solicitation for comments
« Reply #24 on: March 03, 2019, 07:26:47 AM »
I do understand your concerns/reservations. Unfortunately, like you implied, it seems like less and less members want to take an active role, and would like more to sit on the sidelines.

Let me ask you this - what suggestions do you have for the current forum? (Keeping in mind the problems with lack of usage and outdated information.) What would the benefits be of keeping the forum active versus having the same (but updated) information easily available on a web page?

Nothing has been done that can not be undone, and the BoD would not have a problem listening to suggestions, I am sure. That was the point of this thread in the first place.

If you prefer to have this conversation in private, pm me your current email address, and we can do it that way.
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Offline smellslikemichigan

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Re: New MOC website – solicitation for comments
« Reply #25 on: September 10, 2019, 09:03:57 PM »
will the new website have a streamlined way to integrate posts shared on social media? i saw that MOC is running a membership renewal sale on facebook but don't see any mention of that on this platform.
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Offline CitizensHaveRights

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Re: New MOC website – solicitation for comments
« Reply #26 on: September 14, 2019, 09:19:25 AM »
I saw in an email from MOC that memberships were half off on 2A March day (Sept 10), so I re-upped at the tent on the Capitol lawn.

I did not know that one year memberships would be $1 individual and $2 family.
There were lots of dollar bills flying in the cashbox at the MOC tables.
I'd hope it put us over 500 members, looked like there were 300-400 people at the March and there's not much excuse to not be a member for a dollar.
Too bad it only looked like 100-150 actually marched.
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Offline gryphon

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Re: New MOC website – solicitation for comments
« Reply #27 on: September 26, 2019, 04:47:07 AM »
will the new website have a streamlined way to integrate posts shared on social media? i saw that MOC is running a membership renewal sale on facebook but don't see any mention of that on this platform.
The new website is under construction.  I don't know if it will contain RSS feeds or not.  I will ask at the next monthly BoD meeting.  You are welcome to attend.  You should be receiving an email notice every month.  If you are not, let me know.  Sometimes we have an incorrect email address.  Sometimes it's just a typo.

Thank you for bringing this up.

Offline gryphon

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Re: New MOC website – solicitation for comments
« Reply #28 on: September 26, 2019, 04:50:51 AM »
I saw in an email from MOC that memberships were half off on 2A March day (Sept 10), so I re-upped at the tent on the Capitol lawn.

I did not know that one year memberships would be $1 individual and $2 family.
There were lots of dollar bills flying in the cashbox at the MOC tables.
I'd hope it put us over 500 members, looked like there were 300-400 people at the March and there's not much excuse to not be a member for a dollar.
Too bad it only looked like 100-150 actually marched.
I was out of town on vacation this year so did not attend the 2A March.  I hope it went well.  My wife told me that a big rainstorm came in half-way through.

Memberships had a big discount at the march, for sure! 

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Re: New MOC website – solicitation for comments
« Reply #29 on: October 17, 2019, 09:20:21 PM »
Will we have to sign up all over again?
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Offline gryphon

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Re: New MOC website – solicitation for comments
« Reply #30 on: October 22, 2019, 09:09:22 PM »
I think so.  Looks like the new site is still a ways off.