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Senator Bayer's magazine ban
Because 10rd mag limits have been proven to prevent suicides...according to Bayer.
LANSING, Mich. (WLNS) – Look for the pro-gun control lobby to introduce new legislation this week aimed at reducing gun violence in schools. This comes, of course, in the wake of the four student deaths at Oxford High School last week.
The Senate GOP leader Mike Shirkey reportedly told Senator Rosemary Bayer (D-Oakland County) before COVID-19 struck that he would allow a committee hearing on gun control legislation.
If indeed there was such a pledge, it would be a break through for the gun control lobby.
--- Quote from: CitizensHaveRights on December 07, 2021, 11:36:03 AM ---Because 10rd mag limits have been proven to prevent suicides...according to Bayer.
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--- Quote from: gryphon on December 09, 2021, 06:53:02 AM ---Where?
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Everywhere people routinely commit suicide by shooting themselves 11 times.
Hopefully that's the same place where more than five GOP Senators support a magazine ban.
“There is proven evidence in other states, it reduces accidents, it reduces intentional violence by guns and it reduces suicides,” she said.
But the Democratic senator knows that Republican Shirkey does not want his caucus to vote yes on these gun control measures.
Yet, the senator believes she has some GOP tacit support. More than five GOP senators have thrown their tentative support behind her proposal, Bayer claims.
--- Quote from: CitizensHaveRights on January 23, 2022, 06:13:40 PM ---Everywhere people routinely commit suicide by shooting themselves 11 times.
“There is proven reduces suicides,” she said.
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