General Category > General Discussion

AR Pistol

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Then an "other" doesn't require an RI-60.  Period.

But I think law allows one to classify a lower however they want before the build.  Correct me if I'm wrong, but if you have a "rifle" then you can't change it into a "pistol," right?  (Although vice-versa is okay).

Yes, the firearms laws in America could be better.

Yes, if it's first assembled as a "pistol", then you can switch back and forth with different uppers/stocks.
If it's first assembled as a "rifle", then making it into a pistol later gives you a "short barreled rifle".

A truly paranoid person such as myself would take some assembled lowers with bare buffer tubes to an Indiana rest stop, slap a pistol upper on them, and then go home after removing the upper. Yes, they're first assembled as pistols, and no, I never possessed an unregistered pistol in Michigan.


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