Author Topic: Oakland Press Editorial 8/24/10  (Read 6398 times)

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Offline AutumnArcher

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Oakland Press Editorial 8/24/10
« on: August 24, 2010, 09:43:29 AM »
Time to let them have it.

We’ve heard that there’s going to be a new event at this year’s Arts, Beats and Eats Festival — the quick draw.

But then again, it’s probably just a rumor — at least we hope so.

But silly controversy isn’t funny.

The Royal Oak City Commission has voted to eliminate the ban on firearms during the festival. It may have ended a controversy, but it hasn’t halted debate on the issue.

It began a couple weeks ago when, with guns holstered on their hips, people who support Michigan’s open carry gun laws told Royal Oak city officials that they want to be able to take their guns to the Labor Day weekend event.

They stated that is was their constitutional right to openly carry the weapons and contested the agreement between the city and festival organizers that banned firearms. The group apparently made its point, whatever it was. The question now is why did these people feel the need to carry a gun at the festival — did they believe their lives would be endangered if they attended unarmed? Thousands of children and adults seem to do that every year. They have a wonderful time and return home tired but not injured.

Is it that this group never sees a gun regulation it doesn’t want to fight?

We’re not advocating for more gun regulations and we certainly don’t want to change the Constitution. But it’s hard to understand why the gun group picked this festival on which to make a stand. It really wasn’t necessary.

The debate stirred could hurt the event.

As Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson noted, the debate is a distraction.

“These guys want to make a point and don’t give a damn about the charities the festival supports,” Patterson has said. “I have a problem with these gun-toting zealots.”

Patterson said dozens of people have called him to say they won’t be attending the festival out of a concern about safety.

Guns are many things. When used properly, they’re an excellent tool in self-defense and law enforcement. They can be a nice, diversionary hobby or collector’s items. But they also can be a source of fear because of their life-threatening potential.

No one is trying to take guns away from this group or others, so why do they have to be so adamant?

If they’re that paranoid about needing a gun for protection, then they probably should lock themselves away in their homes and board up the windows, leaving just enough opening for the muzzle of a pistol or rifle.

If they are doing it because they feel some type of power or control by carrying a gun, then that’s another issue, one we won’t delve into because we’re not psychologists.

Again, we concede that people have a right to carry a gun and display it opening, if they must. We’re not advocating any changes in that basic Constitutional right.

We just don’t understand why this group felt the need to taint a fun, summer family event with a needless controversy.

And what is equally a puzzle, why do they need to openly display their guns at the festival in the first place?

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Re: Oakland Press Editorial 8/24/10
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2010, 10:05:01 AM »
Like an argument, it takes two sides to make a controversy. While we may be participating it it, we didn't make it alone.
I Am Not A Lawyer (nor a gunsmith).

Offline ken243

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Re: Oakland Press Editorial 8/24/10
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2010, 01:18:13 PM »
 :-\ So many ignorant people. So little time. Yet another person that would rather make the news than report it. Wonder how afraid he is of cars or doctors. Seeing how either one kills thousands more people a year than guns.
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Offline AutumnArcher

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Re: Oakland Press Editorial 8/24/10
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2010, 03:17:20 PM »
I posted the following to the Oakland Press comments section-

Another tabloid level editorial from the OP, why am I not surprised. Apparently facts do not come in to play once again with this editorial. The Bill of RIghts pertains to all Americans. It is these unalienable rights that make us a free society. It matters not whether we agree with who chooses to exercise which of thier rights, what really matters is that we understand their equal importance, and protect them all at all cost.

The truth of this issue is quite simple, the contract language between Arts Beats and Eats and Royal Oak was illegal under state law, which states local govts cannot supercede or enact laws etc as pertains to use, posssession or carry of firearms. The reason is so there are uniform laws statewide. Gun owners pointed this out, and prevailed. The city had to change it as it was contradictory to state law.
But bring on the media hype, instead of speaking out to support the 2nd Amendment, and Michigan law, they choose to attack law abiding gun owners who would stand up for their rights. Of course the media has no problem using their 1st amendment rights to do so.

In typical fashion we are labeled as gun nuts or zealots for the simple act of speaking out to defend our rights when govt agencies and private interests seek to infringe upon them.

Try to put restrictions on the media in regards to free speech and lets see how they stand to fight it. And rightly so.
It doesnt matter whether one agrees or disagrees with someone who chooses to fight for their Constitutional rights. I choose to exercise my rights under the 2nd Amendment, as well as the Michigan Constitution and bear arms forthe protection of myself and my family. I dont ask that you agree with it, but it is as much your right as mine. Just because you may not want to do so, don't tell me I can't.

Why do I "need" to open carry? What does that matter? Is my choice. Punks don't target victims they know are armed or likely to resist. Open carry is a deterrent. Why must we carry at festivals? Because they are no safer than any other place large crowds gather. Just because there are more cops there doesnt mean someone is somehow immune from being vicitmized. When was the last time you heard of a police officer stopping a assault, robbery, rape, etc in progress? Its pretty rare. Typically, they are called after the factto take a report orinvestigate. I choose to be more proactive in my personal safety and defense of my family.

It bothers me that elected representatives such as Brooks Patterson will blame those who stand up fortheir rights as the problem, rather than the local govt and private interests who would infringe upon them. its not the gun owners who are hurtingthe charities. They did nothing wrong. It is the illegal policy andcontract between ABe and Royal Oak who is the culprit. The director of ABE has posted on their website about his intentions to try to outlaw carry at festivals because of this. So the statement no one is trying to take away our rights is a flat out lie.
The statement that those who wish to carry openly are somehow paranoid, is laughable. Iam not paranoid, nor am I on some sort of power trip. It boils down to the simple fact that some of us prefer to be proactive about our personal protection, regardless of where we are. Criminals strike where they know they are least likely to meet resistance.

Rights not exercised are destined to be lost forever. I do not wish to place theresponsibility of protection of myself, or my family on someone else, who might not even be there when I need them.
Allowing open carry at festivals etc is no danger to the public. The number of people accidently injured or killed by law abiding gun owners who carry are non-existent. Can the same be said for law enforcement?

I will stand up and fight for the right to bear arms, as well as any of our other Constituionally guaranteed rights. I will fight for the right to free speech, even if I disagree with the content of that speech. I only expect the same in return.

Offline ken243

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Re: Oakland Press Editorial 8/24/10
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2010, 04:22:15 AM »
I posted the following to the Oakland Press comments section-

Another tabloid level editorial from the OP, why am I not surprised. Apparently facts do not come in to play once again with this editorial....

Very well put. Bravo.
Common sense, isn't.
I can't fix stupid.


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Re: Oakland Press Editorial 8/24/10
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2010, 08:36:04 AM »
After the OC incident in Marysville the Times Herald news paper posted a similar Editorial. I just don't get it!

Offline JoeCar

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Re: Oakland Press Editorial 8/24/10
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2010, 11:09:26 AM »
AutumnArcher, I salute you on your eloquence of replying to the Rights violators. You did a nice job on explaining the importance of all Rights, even to those who pick and choose which they wish to exercise. Personally, i think they should get rid of the right to assemble, at Arts, Beats, and Eats. I DON'T LIKE CROWD!