Me and TheQ went to white castle in lansing(near the infamous ponderosa) I frequent this restaurant and they are well aware of OC,with several employees often asking how to get permits or if there has been any hassles.
Well,tonight was a little different....they umm asked me them my ruger 10/22 "michigan pistol",i happily obliged! they thought it was interesting that it was a pistol(we had to explain the 30 inches or under clause for michigan,and the difference between the fed. definition) and then i showed one employee the purchase permit to show him how he goes about filling it out and where to get one.
I was surprised they practically told me to go get it to show them.
Great time,me and TheQ sat there for a half an hour chattin' and such,discussing the Hawk Island picnic on the 11th,and about attending a Lansing city council meeting to bring up some outdated,illegal firearms ordnance that our calls and emails have been ignored about for quite some time now.