Everywhere I go, protesting or not, I think of MY child. I think of my own disadvantages of growing up without a father and how hard it was forme to overcome those challenges without a father. I WILL NOT let some hipped up thug put my son in that situation because he wants a few bucks for his next fix.
And here's some logic for ya:
How did the whole idea of "thinking of the children" work out at the (insert name of school here) massacre?
What about the children looking at the puppies in the pet store at the mall that day?
How do the children of the men who gave all for our liberty feel? Are they thinking of them too? Did their fathers perish for no reason?
Or, (And the best for last!)
What about the children in this very city that get beaten beyond recognition by the gang-bangers while a group of seniors sit and watch while waiting for the police because they do not have the strength to give that child the immediate assistance they desperately need? Perhaps instead of buying guns you would prefer the tax payers to go out and buy ambulances?