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Offline CrossPistols

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Fist fight
« on: September 19, 2010, 12:19:43 PM »
 Last night at Wal Mart in Fenton while shopping I heard a loud ruckus near the back of the store where I was, then I seen some people standing and pointing down an Isle. At first is sounded as if some one had passed out, being former first responder I ran to see if I could assist, as I rounded the Isle I saw two young men fighting.
I ran to get close, & try to break it up. I heard a man from behind me yell knock it off, as I reached out to grab the guy on top he stood with a belt in his hand, and was literally pulling it off the younger guy. He turned with the belt walked pass me, as other kid got up and yelled at him. Both guys went their own ways. The guy who yelled now was right next to me and he said to one of the guys "really was it worth all that",
I took this guy to be their dad, so I went about my way.  As I was walking to the front I could see WM personnel who looked to be searching for the two men. I just happened to be walking right behind the guy who was roughed up, so I motioned for a WM worker to come to me as I pointed the guy out to them, The WM worker asked if i were a cop
I said no, and asked if security was looking for the two, He said yes and pointed to a middle aged woman dress in a white top, and black slacks, i took her to be Head of security or Manager, not sure, I asked if she was looking for the guy, she said yes they had him in isle 7
 I said well the other is back by the Dairy, she just replied with You know by law you have to conceal that weapon, I replied quickly with , No this is legal, this is open carry, I have to have a License to conceal, then again I pointed out the guy. As I got to the front of the store another WM worker asked if I was a cop, and said the police were on there way.
They asked if I seen the fight, I told them yes I tried to break it up, so they asked me to stay in case they needed to talk to me. First cop shows up and walks past me to talk to the young kid, as the other cop shows she stops the second guy for questioning. The Head of security pulls the First cop aside points to me and asked if what I was doing is legal...Wait here it comes...The cop replies with a yes nod and says as long as it is in the open.
My wife said it was classic, cause the Head of security had to "eat it" as my Wife put it. I heard the Lady say that Wal Marts has a policy of honoring all laws but she just wanted to make sure I was right. One cop took my Name and number just in case and we went about our marry way.
 Every customer & WM worker who talked to me said they were glad to see I had a gun, knew it was over when I came running up. One guy said he thought i would have pulled my gun. As to that I said it is the last thing I want to do.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2010, 01:32:21 AM by lil_freak_66 »
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Re: Fist fight
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2010, 12:23:46 PM »
Wow,glad everything went ok!
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Offline emt805

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Re: Fist fight
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2010, 02:01:19 PM »
I heard the Lady say that Wal Marts has a policy of honoring all laws but she just wanted to make sure I was right.

At least she knew their policy and did not try to play god or make up her own rules then have to be corrected from the top down.


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Re: Fist fight
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2010, 02:21:56 PM »
Great Story!  Thanks for sharing.
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Re: Fist fight
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2010, 06:30:29 PM »
i wouldn't have intervened but that's just me. was it a mutual fight or one guy giving a beat down to the other? maybe if i were the only one around but this scene had several people around. if one of them decided to charge you with assault would the law tack on the mandatory 2 year imprisonment for having a firearm during it's commision? not sure on that one. maybe someone can enlighten me. if i'm not mistaken the weapon doesn't even have to be used - just on you.
glad it worked out ok and the WM got a legal lesson and those idiots got charged by the police. i tend to avoid those things for that very reason unless it swings my way. if someone is getting victimized that's different but when i was LEO i found out that 2 idiots fighting can all of a sudden join forces when you arrive. one of our officers on his way to work saw 2 guys hitting and pushing a woman into a car. he stopped and pulled her away and put her behind him to protect her and effect an arrest on the guys. before he could say a word she hit him on the head with a tire iron. she said it was consenual and didn't press charges on the guys but did get arrested for assaulting an officer. things like that happen and you never know until you jump in. keep it in mind and once again good job anyway.
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Re: Fist fight
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2010, 07:38:32 PM »
You have to remember CrossPistols was a Military LEO so he knows how to handle himself..
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Offline CrossPistols

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Re: Fist fight
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2010, 08:48:18 PM »
I wouldn't have fought unless it turned into self defense, I would have broke it up though. It turned out the on on top was over 18, and the guy on the ground was Under 18 and that is what I thought when I approached. If they wanted to charge me that's fine it would suck, but that's why they say freedom is no free.
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Re: Fist fight
« Reply #7 on: October 28, 2010, 01:54:09 PM »
...If they wanted to charge me that's fine it would suck, but that's why they say freedom is no free...
Bless you.
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