Yea, I did it backwards as well. I've had to be "schocked" out of all the myths/non-truths/mis-interpretations that have been communicated in regard to CC and OC...when I recieved my CPL. Takes a while to digest everything. Our Michigan CPL is a beautiful thing, however, I did cringe when I had to give my finger prints. I've stayed out of the system all these years, and now, they've got a little more info about me. Don't like that.
I always encourage folks to get a CPL, even if they don't intend to carry...purchase purposes, freedom in transport, etc..., and maybe one day changing their mind. Not ever OC'n without a CPL, I can't imagine what you folks go through until you are able to get your CPL. I would think it is much more work, mental focus, awareness, concern not having the CPL when you OC.