I have been visiting a family member here the last few days.
http://www.sjmercyhealth.org/home_annarbor.cfm?id=3244On the doors there is a large sign that says "contraband prohibited" with a photo of a circle with a line such as the no symbol with a firearm a knife and another item inside the circle.
I have a photo but cannot figure out how to post it here.
If I understand this correctly legal carry would be allowed due to the wording on the sign and definition below?
I have not challenged this yet as I do not want it to get back to the family member and have them worked up about it.
Another note today there was 4 armed correction officers on the same floor today so if there is a need for them to carry why would there not be a need for me to carry? I understand the exception allowing them to carry no need to post that but just the thought process, if they have an immate down the hall and I cannot protect myself or family if something happens?
http://www.thefreedictionary.com/contrabandcontraband [ˈkɒntrəˌbænd]
1. (Law)
a. goods that are prohibited by law from being exported or imported
b. illegally imported or exported goods
2. (Law) illegal traffic in such goods; smuggling
3. (Military) Also called contraband of war International law goods that a neutral country may not supply to a belligerent
4. (Historical Terms) (during the American Civil War) a Black slave captured by the Union forces or one who escaped to the Union lines
(Law) (of goods)
a. forbidden by law from being imported or exported
b. illegally imported or exported
[from Spanish contrabanda, from Italian contrabando (modern contrabbando), from Medieval Latin contrabannum, from contra- + bannum ban, of Germanic origin]
contrabandist n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003