Michigan Open Carry, Inc.

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: METL on February 08, 2011, 08:58:22 AM

Title: 1320 am
Post by: METL on February 08, 2011, 08:58:22 AM
I heard Rich Hurl on 1320am wils talking about the MOC people at the city hall meeting, as well as some sort of something that went down at the CADL library...   

Which member was it?   

Also, I totally forgot about the city hall thing... I probably would have went too...  goin through some crap with my girl, so my head's not right...
Title: 1320 am
Post by: TheQ on February 08, 2011, 09:10:15 AM
The City Hall video will be published in a few days.

With regards to the Library incident (I won't mention names and I don't think anyone else should unless you name yourself and you were involved)...

Two persons were said to have walked around CADL's downtown branch for an hour while open carrying. The Library Security guards (3, I'm told) hovered over their shoulders for the carriers' own safety. It was said there might be schitzo people in the Library who may grab the gun and go violent at it's sight. Sounds like more reason to carry. The only gun grandees I know of in the Library is the CADL Board. The cops were called, but an hour later they hadn't come. Stories have it the carriers were told by CADL Security that the cops refused to come/wouldn't be coming.

See the thread about Fighting Lansings Illegal ordinances for more details. Is the show you referenced archived online? If so, do you have a URL?
Title: 1320 am
Post by: TheQ on February 08, 2011, 09:15:32 AM
A reporter from WILS (don't know his name, had a largish birth mark on the side of his head) Interviewed MOC's president outside the council meeting after it was over...

ETA: Rich Herl (looking at a website pic) is the guy that did the interview.
Title: Re: 1320 am
Post by: METL on February 08, 2011, 10:05:18 AM
Yeah, that's the guy who did the news report this morning...     WILS is 1320... where I heard it.

I downloaded the audio form their news report (you can do that on their front page) but I can't get it to play... possibly I don't have the proper codec in my win. media player....    so I could e-mail it... it's 8mb though.

I'm not sure it is hte right one, so I just D/L it in case.   Maybe you could get it to play... try it out when you revisit their site.  I know they update their reports throughout the day.
Title: 1320 am
Post by: TheQ on February 08, 2011, 11:11:16 AM
Yeah, that's the guy who did the news report this morning...     WILS is 1320... where I heard it.

I downloaded the audio form their news report (you can do that on their front page) but I can't get it to play... possibly I don't have the proper codec in my win. media player....    so I could e-mail it... it's 8mb though.

I'm not sure it is hte right one, so I just D/L it in case.   Maybe you could get it to play... try it out when you revisit their site.  I know they update their reports throughout the day.

Where about on the website?
Title: Re: 1320 am
Post by: METL on February 08, 2011, 11:25:51 AM
front page... big red letters  "LOCAL NEWSCAST".....   Like I said, it would not play for me, but I right-clicked and "save target as" and downloaded the MP3....   so if they have done an updated version, perhaps I have the archived version.   Hopefully you can just find it and it will play for you.  :)
Title: 1320 am
Post by: TheQ on February 08, 2011, 12:55:13 PM
front page... big red letters  "LOCAL NEWSCAST".....   Like I said, it would not play for me, but I right-clicked and "save target as" and downloaded the MP3....   so if they have done an updated version, perhaps I have the archived version.   Hopefully you can just find it and it will play for you.  :)
Got it. I hear there may be an interview with MOC Pres. tomorrow.  I'll also be on the City Pulse's show on MSU's PBS tomorrow at 4 PM.
Title: Re: 1320 am
Post by: METL on February 08, 2011, 02:29:24 PM
Is that WKAR TV?  Channel 13?  Wednesday at 4?   I'll try to tune in!
Title: 1320 am
Post by: TheQ on February 08, 2011, 02:58:48 PM
Is that WKAR TV?  Channel 13?  Wednesday at 4?   I'll try to tune in!

It records at 4:00. May not air until later?
