Michigan Open Carry, Inc.

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: TexasSupporter on June 23, 2013, 05:03:50 AM

Title: Texas Continues To Deny Open Carry Rights
Post by: TexasSupporter on June 23, 2013, 05:03:50 AM
Background:  Governor Perry called a special session of the Texas legislature, after the regular session ended recently with no progress on restoring Open Carry to Texas.  Perry has decided to not allow Open Carry bills to be accepted into this special session.  Apparently he feels they are already "too busy".  Therefore, I have no other alternative than to plan for the following.  I am already getting excellent support and have a campaign manager and many behind the plan.  We already have experience in petition gathering. 

Because Texas continues to infringe the peoples' right:


I will run against Perry for Governor of Texas on a single platform. Governor Perry is obviously "too busy" to protect and restore the most basic and fundamental of rights of Texans - that being the peoples' 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms. We can see this in the fact for that for over 12 years as governor of the state, he has refused to fulfill the primary duty of his office, having aided in the usurpation (stealing power which is not yours) of the peoples' right to carry firearms as the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution so clearly declares and protects.

So, therefore, in addition to my federal lawsuit against Perry for this massive infringement upon "We, the People", I will also campaign for governor, against him, with a single message. This single message, this platform, is this: "To protect the right of the people of Texas, by restoring their ability to possess and carry firearms within the state ANYWHERE, and WITHOUT PERMIT." Texas and Texans need to be the leader here in America on 2nd Amendment rights, and it starts with Open Carry without permit nor fee.

If, while running, any other questions are asked of me regarding any other political topics, my reply will always be the same: "While I agree that ________ is an important issue, and while I have strong opinions (for/against) this issue, I will continue to fight for the most basic and fundamental of rights that Texans have - yet which at this very moment are being denied them - that being the right to freely possess and carry firearms within the state, without permit and without fee."

I will let it be known, throughout my campaign against Perry, that if it were possible, I do not wish to be Governor of the State of Texas - but that I am forced to run against Governor Perry because he continues to supress the 2nd Amendment rights of Texans. But this massive infringement, and the massive stealing of the peoples' authority and power can no longer stand.

Unless Governor Perry pledges to:

1) apologize to the people of Texas for having neglected, supressed, and infringed upon their most basic of rights - that being the right to carry firearms - and apologizes for having usurped authority not his in doing so, (note: a simple apology for not having taken care of this before will work)


2) pledges to the people of Texas that his first item of business as newly re-elected governor of the state will be the restoration of true 2nd Amendment rights for the people - including the ability to possess and carry firearms without fee nor permit

THEN, I will continue to run against Governor Perry to defeat him in the gubenatorial election of Texas, and to restore - as my first item of business as governor - the right of the people of Texas to freely possess and carry firearms without fee nor permit.
Title: Texas Continues To Deny Open Carry Rights
Post by: TheQ on June 23, 2013, 06:02:23 PM
Hope you have $1m or some rich sponsors to get started. Best of luck.
Title: Re: Texas Continues To Deny Open Carry Rights
Post by: Jeff on June 23, 2013, 07:23:59 PM
I wouldn't be telling people you are running for only one particular thing.  The people might consider it some kind of joke.  I would try to have a plan for other matters if you are serious about this.

Good luck to you.
Title: Re: Texas Continues To Deny Open Carry Rights
Post by: jgillmanjr on June 24, 2013, 09:01:25 AM
Hope you have $1m or some rich sponsors to get started. Best of luck.

And that would be just for the primary most likely.

$75k is what Wayne Schmidt spent from his war chest when my dad tried getting him in the primary. And that was a State Rep seat - not a governors run.
Title: Texas Continues To Deny Open Carry Rights
Post by: TheQ on June 24, 2013, 12:25:53 PM

And that would be just for the primary most likely.

$75k is what Wayne Schmidt spent from his war chest when my dad tried getting him in the primary. And that was a State Rep seat - not a governors run.

No, not even for the primary -- just to get started. If you plan to successfully primary Rick, look to spend $5M+.

Them again, you could make enough noise to pressure him to change his tune for much less -- maybe 1M.
Title: Re: Texas Continues To Deny Open Carry Rights
Post by: TexasSupporter on June 24, 2013, 11:57:16 PM
Thanks guys - good comments all.  I started my Twitter account in the race:  @NoTaxOnRights 

Will let you know how it's going.  I have a poor man's budget and will be using Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and eventually door to door to get the word out.  I do have some supporters already who are pushing the issue and telling friends.
Title: Texas Continues To Deny Open Carry Rights
Post by: TheQ on June 25, 2013, 06:54:34 AM

Thanks guys - good comments all.  I started my Twitter account in the race:  @NoTaxOnRights 

Will let you know how it's going.  I have a poor man's budget and will be using Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and eventually door to door to get the word out.  I do have some supporters already who are pushing the issue and telling friends.

Door to door doesn't sound very effective in such a big state (geographically and population). If you dedicate yourself full-time you may reach .00001% every month. Doesn't sound very effective :(
Title: Re: Texas Continues To Deny Open Carry Rights
Post by: Jeff on June 25, 2013, 02:49:05 PM
He is going to win, haven't you seen the movie Dodgeball?
Title: Re: Texas Continues To Deny Open Carry Rights
Post by: Ezerharden on June 25, 2013, 03:04:32 PM
Hey it could happen, after all, after 4 years of bovine excrement Obama got reelected.
Title: Re: Texas Continues To Deny Open Carry Rights
Post by: Jeff on June 25, 2013, 03:20:23 PM
Hey it could happen, after all, after 4 years of bovine excrement Obama got reelected.

He only got elected because of one thing.
Title: Re: Texas Continues To Deny Open Carry Rights
Post by: gryphon on June 25, 2013, 04:45:56 PM
He only got elected because of one thing.

Low information voters?
Title: Re: Texas Continues To Deny Open Carry Rights
Post by: TexasSupporter on June 25, 2013, 05:10:40 PM
I agree that door to door is not effective in terms of numbers.  But what it is effective in is creating a buzz, as in "Here's a guy who is so dedicated to the cause he is willing to go to the people".  It's what former Senator Tom Daschle from South Dakota used to do.  Of course, it is just a small part of the plan, but if it works and other's jump on board, we would want others going door to door as well.  Anyways, thanks for the comments.  I have all of 10 votes to count on now haha, but I will try to grow the numbers every day.
Title: Texas Continues To Deny Open Carry Rights
Post by: TheQ on June 25, 2013, 05:37:56 PM

I agree that door to door is not effective in terms of numbers.  But what it is effective in is creating a buzz, as in "Here's a guy who is so dedicated to the cause he is willing to go to the people".  It's what former Senator Tom Daschle from South Dakota used to do.  Of course, it is just a small part of the plan, but if it works and other's jump on board, we would want others going door to door as well.  Anyways, thanks for the comments.  I have all of 10 votes to count on now haha, but I will try to grow the numbers every day.

What's the filing fee or signature requirement?
Title: Re: Texas Continues To Deny Open Carry Rights
Post by: Jeff on June 25, 2013, 05:56:05 PM
Low information voters?

...Yes  ;D
Title: Re: Texas Continues To Deny Open Carry Rights
Post by: TexasSupporter on June 26, 2013, 08:38:09 AM
Hey Q, the signatures required are 1% of the total votes cast in the previous election for governor.  So there were just under 5,000,000 votes in 2010, meaning just under 50,000 valid signatures will be required to get on the ballot as an Independant.  I believe that also would waive the fee, which otherwise would be $3,500 (and if done alone, would only allow you in as a "write in" candidate).