Author Topic: Idiot's who write laws  (Read 5974 times)

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Offline CrossPistols

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Idiot's who write laws
« on: September 01, 2011, 10:29:55 PM »
   I'd like to meet the idiot who wrote the following law.   Carrying firearm or dangerous weapon with unlawful intent—Any person who, with intent to use the same unlawfully against the person of another, goes armed with a pistol or other firearm or dagger, dirk, razor, stiletto, or knife having a blade over 3 inches in length, or any other dangerous or deadly weapon or instrument, shall be guilty of a felony, punishable by imprisonment in the state prison for not more than 5 years or by a fine of not more than 2,500 dollars.

   Um is there a safe weapon?   and it's ok to attack a person with a blade under 3" ?
Hotel Sierra Lima Delta!

Offline Gort

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Re: Idiot's who write laws
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2011, 05:00:41 PM »
With unlawful Intent, i think is the factor.
With Unlawful Intent, with any instrument, "knife blade less than three inches,"  pencil, Poison, Water Mellon dropped from highway overpass, mother in laws Fri pan.
All must have unlawful Intent.

Not more than 5 years or by a fine of not more than 2,500 dollars, good for just the Intent.

Michigan Laws are gobble garbage, written for the courts, Judges, Lawyers, and Jury's to make their own decision,
and to keep the money flowing. 

Offline hamaneggs

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Re: Idiot's who write laws
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2011, 05:16:53 PM »
Many of these laws are written so poorly and vaguely that it leaves them to "extra-interpretation".In other words ,make them to  mean what they want them to mean,and that depends on who is interpreting(liberal marxists,conservative constitutionalist).Therefore they are not true laws!IMO!
In GOD I TRUST! Luke 22:36 "and if You don't have a sword,sell Your cloak and buy one". Nehemiah 4:17 "Those who carried materials did their work with one hand and held a weapon in the other,and each of the builders wore his sword at His side as He worked."  I AGREE! AMEN!

Offline CV67PAT

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Re: Idiot's who write laws
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2011, 11:34:35 PM »
The old drafted by committee approach. Everyone gets to put a word in there somewhere.
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Offline Glock19

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Re: Idiot's who write laws
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2011, 09:35:37 PM »
how does one prove unlawful intent???? 
even if i am armed, and i assist another person and use my firearm or dangerous weapon to help(hopefully wont need to but people tell stories about things like this), how could that not be construed or misconceived as unlawful intent at some point. i know we as citizens have right to help others in need during duress, and its not illegal....

Offline CV67PAT

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Re: Idiot's who write laws
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2011, 10:18:02 PM »
how does one prove unlawful intent???? 
even if i am armed, and i assist another person and use my firearm or dangerous weapon to help(hopefully wont need to but people tell stories about things like this), how could that not be construed or misconceived as unlawful intent at some point. i know we as citizens have right to help others in need during duress, and its not illegal....

Lawfully present might be a starting point for determining lawful intent.
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