good OC weekend. great weather. couple notable items. waiting to get my hair cut an older couple approached me and asked if i could answer some questions about my carrying a gun. i said sure. the man asked why. i said CC or OC. he said both. i launched into my usual self protection speech and the visual deterant of OC when the girl called me back to get cut. wish i had more time. he seemed unsure when i started and was visibly intrigued with my statements.
OC today at the livonia spree. stopped to read the lengthy spree rule board and nothing about weapons. mostly gang stuff, attire and no outside alcohol. i'm not in a gang (except for MOC), my pants are pulled up and i don't drink.
livonia police regulars, reserves, explorers, event police(?) and lost track of different uniforms everywhere. not a word. did a couple casual glances back when walking past some reserves. they quickly ran up and asked full time officers pointing to me. when i looked again at them they pretended they weren't looking at me. glanced back again and they resumed their posts. my guess is reserves need legal updates too. once again not only did they not approach me it was as if i were invisible.
one humorous side note while walking past a dunk tank carnival barker insulting passers by to get them to pay to dunk him both times i walked by he got strangely quiet resuming insults after i was out if sight.
bunch of other countless unremarkable OC places - taco bell, several convienience stores, gas stations, walmart, kroger, best buy, dick's etc. nothing to report. *sigh*