oc today for hours at milford memories. thousands of people, families, kids, tents, crafts, food, art etc. walked it front to back, thru the park and in some stores. no problems no issues no negative comments. positive comments from civil war re-enacters. they were holding muskets. guess we are like minded. also got the eye contact, head nod "yeah we see you" from a couple of police officers but that was it. saw a couple people take pics of it.
other festivals i've been to the police haven't said anything either but made it a point to walk by, bike by, golf cart by me regularly to let me know they know they saw me. don't know if that is a tactic to chase me off or reassure the public that they are aware and watching me or what but i don't do anything different than if i were cc or unarmed. don't even get that anymore. i think we are at a point of acceptance that we want. it only takes another idiot like the one that shot the arizona representative to set us back a few years. igenerally go to these things by myself so the lone gunman appearance may be there but anybody that has met me will tell you my appearance and demeanor is pretty nice, approachable and congenial. this has fooled some officers who try to trick me into believing i am committing some offense or start lying to me. then they get to meet my lawyer mode. turns on like a light switch.
anyway good day representing OC.