After the luncheon at Cafe Connection (btw, GREAT food), we went to Silver Bullet to see if there was anything we couldn't live without. Got out for under $20; whew....
On the way home, we witnessed a traffic accident (Autosurgeon, you missed seeing it by 30 seconds).
Checked on the victims, all OK, and stuck around for Kentwood PD to arrive.
Had a nice chat with the driver of the not-at-fault vehicle about OC, CC, CPLs, sidearms and MOC. Nice kid, coming home from work
When KPD arrived, Steel Magnolia (who had put her long coat on due to the cold) announced that the was carrying with a CPL. I simply announced that I was armed with my hands well away from my .45. He replies 'I can see that!'
He took our statements, no drama, and then we had a nice chat about OC, CC and a well armed citizenry. Great guy; one of Kentwood's finest! First interaction with Kentwood PD, OC or CC.
Gave him a trifold, as well as the driver of the not-at-fault vehicle. I don't think the elderly woman who was at fault would have been interested in one....