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State Republicans Betray Gun Owners
« on: July 02, 2011, 10:08:52 PM »
State Republicans Betray Gun Owners
State Republican Leadership to Pigeonhole CPL Pistol Free Zone Repeal

1 July 2011
by Phillip Hofmeister

I spoke to someone today who is close to a member of the Senate Republican Leadership.  What he told me shocked me.  It appears the Republican Leadership intends to not act on the Concealed Pistol License (CPL) Pistol Free Zone (PFZ) repeal.

I’m sure as any CPL holder knows, unless you have an exemption, you cannot carry concealed in certain enumerated places such as schools, sports stadiums, bars, churches, etc.  It’s a bit more complicated than that, but that’s the general drift of the current law.  See MCL 28.425o for all the gory details.  Many CPL holders may also be aware that  Senate Bill 58 proposes to repeal all of those PFZs.

Anyone who is capable of researching a bill on the State Legislature website will no doubt notice the bill has gone nowhere.  “Why is that”, you may wonder.  Aren't the Republicans we voted in pro-2A?  We were told that the budget (perhaps rightly so) was priority 1, 2, and 3.  We were told “Social Issues” wouldn’t be considered until the budget was out of the way.  Okay, so we can be patient.  What now?  Why no movement?  I asked someone I know who is connected to the State Republican Party that same question to find out myself.  Here’s what I heard…

The Governor won’t sign it because he feels it’s too “contentious”.  Folks, in case you haven’t been paying attention, this Governor is NOT afraid of being contentious.  Have you noticed how many people were bothered by his proposed budget?  Did that stop him from moving forward on that?  Nope.  Given that, a bill that will certainly rally his base is “too contentious”?  I find this hard to believe.

I also learned that since the Governor has indicated he won’t sign it and may veto it, the Republican Leadership in the Legislature, that’s right – Jase Bolger and Randy Richardville, won’t bring the bill up.  It appears to me they don’t want to make the Governor look bad if he chooses to veto the bill.  So, if I understand their strategy right, rather than throwing the Governor under the bus they plan to throw the whole party under the bus.  Great idea, guys!

A disclaimer, I can’t guarantee the accuracy of my statements.  I haven’t spoken to staff for the Speaker nor the Senate Majority Leader.  However, I say this to them:  “If I am wrong about what I’ve said, prove it.”  How?  Discharge SB 58 from committee (you’re no stranger to doing this, Mr. Richardville) and bring it to the Senate Floor for an immediate vote.  Whip your members to pass it and send it to the House.  I then issue the same challenge of action to Mr. Bolger.  If they do this, I will recant this article and personally apologize to them on every channel that I have published this article.

If the Governor wants to veto it, let him.  Let him show his true colors to the 250,000+ CPL holders and the millions of Gun Owners that helped put him in office.  If the Republican Leadership won’t force the issue, all of these people who gladly gave you their support on Election Day will remember this betrayal and withdraw their support on the next Election Day.

I also hear you guys are facing recall challenges.  What a better way to survive these recalls with minimal effort than pass this bill that will surely rally your base, hmm?

So, Mr. Richardsville and Mr. Bolger, the ball is in your court.  It’s time to play it, we’re all watching – closely.

Sen. Randy Richardsville – (517) 373-3543
Rep. Jase Bolger – (517) 373-1787
I Am Not A Lawyer (nor a gunsmith).

Offline autosurgeon

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Re: State Republicans Betray Gun Owners
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2011, 11:41:39 PM »
I agree with The Q in his assessment. They are so busy attacking the ones that are still working in the state and those that have retired that they have no time nor will to deal with anything else.
Anything I post may be my opinion and not the law... you are responsible to do your own verification.

Blackstone (1753-1765) maintains that "the law holds that it is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer."

Offline TheQ

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Re: State Republicans Betray Gun Owners
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2011, 11:59:12 PM »
I agree with The Q in his assessment. They are so busy attacking the ones that are still working in the state and those that have retired that they have no time nor will to deal with anything else.

Thank you, my friend.  I hope dearly that I'm wrong.

I've sent the article to Sen Green, Sen. Richardsville, and the Speaker along with the comment that I'd be showing it to thousands of gun owners.  I hope it pressures them into action.

It definitely isn't honey for the flies.
I Am Not A Lawyer (nor a gunsmith).

Offline Glock9mmOldStyle

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Re: State Republicans Betray Gun Owners
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2011, 01:53:49 AM »
Well written Q. I try to be a person with a positive outlook, but the more I learn about the folks that we elect to represent our best interests really don't give a flying frogs butt about what we want or need!  >:( My heart sinks to think about how our voices have been hijacked by political fat cats. What ever happened to Government by the People for the People? Lately it seems more like Government by the corporations/big $$$ for corporations/big $$$. After all according to our highest court a corporation has the same rights [if not more] than the citizens of our country?

I have never advocated rebellion, but it is easy to feel the spinning that must be going on in the graves of our founding fathers. I fear that if our current / future leaders cannot learn from the past, that we are doomed to repeat it.  ???

This is why on this fourth of July I will fly a flag that has thirteen stars in a circle and at the center of that circle is the roman numeral II. I find it ironic how many similarities I can find between our nations rulers of 1775 & that of today's ruling officials.    :o

Sorry for the rant...
"It is now more likely that a person will be the victim of a violent crime than that he will be in an auto accident. Despite this, most people readily believe that the existence of the police relieves them of the responsibility to take full measures to protect themselves."
 -Jeffrey Snyder 1993


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Re: State Republicans Betray Gun Owners
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2011, 06:09:41 AM »
Aaahhh...the world of politics! And you all thought these politicians would follow through on their campaign promises why? It is still my opinion that weathermen...only chose that career cause they were starving trying to sell used cars!
Research many elected officials actually follow through or accomplish their campaign promises? Very few and very rare.

Offline Greyh Seer

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Re: State Republicans Betray Gun Owners
« Reply #5 on: July 04, 2011, 10:13:04 AM »
If the above is true, then I expect that the Republicans are attempting to keep the Governor in the good graces of the populace by not furthering legislation that is not on the Governor's docket...

I certainly hope this isn't true.

While I do agree that the state of Michigan is a very large problem, I also think that with our current government, we have more chance to effect gun control laws than we have in the last decade.   Again, I hope this isn't true.