Author Topic: Update: Pistol Free Zone status  (Read 12180 times)

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Offline northofnowhere

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Re: Update: Pistol Free Zone status
« Reply #20 on: March 27, 2012, 10:33:01 AM »
Thier latest news update on the matter says nothing of the sort.  Link is above, dated yesterday.  As to your wife, I do not believe this bill will have any merit on employer's allowing employees to carry while on the job.
Jason E. Reese aka northofnowher


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    • TERMINATOR Sport Fishing Charters - Pentwater, MI
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Re: Update: Pistol Free Zone status
« Reply #21 on: March 27, 2012, 05:13:37 PM »
This was what they posted on their Facebook page this morning...which is more recent than what they put on their website yesterday...

SB 59 UPDATE: Senate Republican leadership is now indicating the full Senate will not be taking a vote on SB 59 this week. Also, the Michigan Hospital Association is seeking to find enough senators to vote for an amendment to keep public hospitals in the pistol free zones even for CPL holders who obtain an exemption through additional training. Please contact your state senator and ask them to demand a vote on SB 59 S-3 as soon as possible and to vote against the MHA amendment. You can find your senator at:

Read it for yourself....

At least if hospitals were not PFZ their employees could request/demand their mgt to allow CPL carry as I realize private property has the right to not allow weapons.   But right now it is not even a choice the property owner can make correct???
Shooting up my addiction to FREEDOM
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Offline northofnowhere

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Re: Update: Pistol Free Zone status
« Reply #22 on: March 27, 2012, 05:50:58 PM »
     Thanks for the cite Skip.  It is nice to know they are as good at disseminating information as other groups.  Just too many places to post the information.  And facebook is evil, so I try not to go that route.  i will have to look into a cite for Facebook being evil, I just know there is a passage in the Bible I overlooked, it's gotta be there.

     It is unfortunate the MHA feels this way.  They should realize they will be the last place where an armed crazy person upset at a medical bill can shoot the place up without getting shot back.  If teachers were armed how many could have been saved.  If hospitals are the only place the 300,000+ CPL holders in Michgan cannot carry, well, good luck keeping out the armed criminals.  Perhaps they could put up signs, it has stopped criminals from entering in the past, right?

// begin venting
     Also, another of my qierd irks.  If I am carrying my pistol and fall seriously ill and am taken to the hospital, should I stop at home and store my piece?  If I am called to a fire and half the department is carrying thier weapons, should we go home first in the shiny red trucks and store our guns before putting out the fire?  Now that would be fun to explain as to why a small trash can fire burned the whole place down and it took an hour to get there.

     I have had to make the decision wether to respond to a fire call at a school more then once.  Without incriminating myself, I think I choose the right answer to the question, even if it may or may not have meant I was breaking the law.

     These people in an outrage over guns being in the hands of honest, hard working Americans need to vent thier rage at a justice system that has completely failed the good people out there in the world, and leave me alone.  I work hard, I pay my bills, I pay my taxes, I even pay my hospital bills eventually because my insurance is crap.  I do not deserve to be robbed, beaten, killed, or otherwise harmed by someone who should already be in prison but is out on bond living off of my tax dollars.  Put your rage there, leave me alone.

// end venting

-jason r.
Jason E. Reese aka northofnowher


  • Posts: 98
    • TERMINATOR Sport Fishing Charters - Pentwater, MI
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Re: Update: Pistol Free Zone status
« Reply #23 on: March 27, 2012, 08:11:35 PM »
     Thanks for the cite Skip.  It is nice to know they are as good at disseminating information as other groups.  Just too many places to post the information.  And facebook is evil, so I try not to go that route.  i will have to look into a cite for Facebook being evil, I just know there is a passage in the Bible I overlooked, it's gotta be there.

     It is unfortunate the MHA feels this way.  They should realize they will be the last place where an armed crazy person upset at a medical bill can shoot the place up without getting shot back.  If teachers were armed how many could have been saved.  If hospitals are the only place the 300,000+ CPL holders in Michgan cannot carry, well, good luck keeping out the armed criminals.  Perhaps they could put up signs, it has stopped criminals from entering in the past, right?

// begin venting
     Also, another of my qierd irks.  If I am carrying my pistol and fall seriously ill and am taken to the hospital, should I stop at home and store my piece?  If I am called to a fire and half the department is carrying thier weapons, should we go home first in the shiny red trucks and store our guns before putting out the fire?  Now that would be fun to explain as to why a small trash can fire burned the whole place down and it took an hour to get there.

     I have had to make the decision wether to respond to a fire call at a school more then once.  Without incriminating myself, I think I choose the right answer to the question, even if it may or may not have meant I was breaking the law.

     These people in an outrage over guns being in the hands of honest, hard working Americans need to vent thier rage at a justice system that has completely failed the good people out there in the world, and leave me alone.  I work hard, I pay my bills, I pay my taxes, I even pay my hospital bills eventually because my insurance is crap.  I do not deserve to be robbed, beaten, killed, or otherwise harmed by someone who should already be in prison but is out on bond living off of my tax dollars.  Put your rage there, leave me alone.

// end venting

-jason r.

I share in your frustration.  I always try to explain to people that, the people that are 21 years old or older that get a background check and pay for a purchase permit to LEGALLY buy a pistol, then take a $100+ course so they can LEGALLY apply for a CPL, then pass another background check and pay $105 to LEGALLY carry a gun...THOSE are NOT the people you need to worry about!

It is the dudes that aren't even old enough to own a gun and they don't care about he laws that you have worry about!

And I point out that less than 1/10 of 1 percent of people that have gotten a CPL ever do a gun related that to the general population that DOESN'T have  CPL.

All I know is that if I had been a Columbine or VA Tech or this school in Ohio with my Glock .40....the rampage would have been a lot shorter and more kids would be alive in every case.

I am not a big "Facebook" guy but it does have one advantage in that place like MI Open Carry and MCRGO can post something quickly on Facebook without having to get an IT guy to change the code like when you want to update a website.  So I use it to keep current on things even if I don't post my life story and every bowel movement on there like some people feel the need to do.
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    • TERMINATOR Sport Fishing Charters - Pentwater, MI
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Re: Update: Pistol Free Zone status
« Reply #24 on: March 28, 2012, 09:05:26 AM »
Interesting read about SB 59 from MLive/Michigan House Speaker

Legislation to allow concealed handguns in schools, churches and other prohibited places will not be on a “fast track” if the state Senate forwards the measure, House Speaker Jase Bolger said.

Bolger, R-Marshall, said he does not believe a decade-old ban on hidden guns in such places makes the public any safer.
“Personally, I don’t think that pistol-free zones protect people,” said Bolger, R-Marshall, citing “horrific” examples of gunmen shooting unarmed people in such places.

Still, Bolger said allowing concealed guns in sports stadiums, bars, casinos and other places where they are now banned requires “significant” discussion in the House.

“This is a very emotional issue,” Bolger said during an interview with MLive journaiists, adding "I would not prescribe a timeline."
"I understand and respect there is significant disagreement among our residents. And I expect that if it comes over from the Senate, the House will need to have its own fact finding and really delve into the facts of these cases.”

The Senate is expected to take up a massive overhaul of the state’s concealed weapon law, after a committee passed it last week.
One of the bill’s reform’s would allow concealed permit holders with additional training to carry a hidden handgun in one of nine zones where they are now prohibited.

The others include hospitals, college classrooms and dorms, day care centers and minimum 2,500-seat entertainment facilities.

Critics of the ban say attacks in such places might be thwarted if others are armed. In a quirk of state law, they also note it is legal to openly carry a gun in such places, but not conceal the weapon.
Shooting up my addiction to FREEDOM
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