I had the chance recently to shoot with some other people from here, and we had a lot of fun. Dougwg specifically worked with me on a proper 2 handed grip for the best speed and accuracy, which is something I've never put much thought in to.
I'm something of an Applegate point shooting enthusiast, because it's so dirt simple, fast, and reasonably accurate out to common defensive shooting distances with minimal practice. Here is a good point shooting demo for anyone who might not be familiar.
I have also been trained by former students of Rex Applegate, and that went a long way towards convincing me this method is right for me, especially until such a time as I have large quantities of extra money and time to devote to becoming good and fast with a 2 handed shooting technique.
Practicing with Dougwg and the others there didn't do much to change my mind about believing in practicing this way for defensive shooting as of this point, but it did peak my curiosity enough to want to ask everyone here how they normally practice as an ideal defensive shooting posture. Obviously practicing from sitting positions and with one hand for situations where the other might be injured are important, but my main point of curiosity is for typical stand up combat practice shooting. I am not asking about regular target shooting, because clearly a 2 handed grip is best for putting holes in the 10 ring. I just want to know how you practice for self defense, and why.