Author Topic: Briarwood of Simon property reponse  (Read 7566 times)

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Offline AAMitch

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Briarwood of Simon property reponse
« on: June 26, 2010, 08:53:39 PM »
Mr. Smith:
Thank you for taking the time to write us about Briarwood. We understand that people have written on forums about Briarwood’s policy and their being here at the mall with handguns. Their comments were shared with our Security Department at a recent training class so we can be more observant in the future.
I understand your disappointment with our policy but hope that you will understand some of our reasoning behind it. In no way is this an indication of restricting 2nd Amendment Rights. Briarwood, as you know, is private property. There are many locations that have the same restriction and some of these are public property. Our policy is the same as it is with every Simon Property Group shopping center in the United States. It is not "tweaked" because of any local issues.
I’ve been in public and private law enforcement for the past 32 years. Firearms in a shopping center concern me for many reasons. I appreciate you taking the time to read some of my reasons and want to ensure you that they are no reflection on you and your personal level of professional training. So you know these are personal concerns of mine and do not reflect the opinions of Briarwood, or others, that resulted in this policy. Also, this should not be read as if to debate you on the issues. I respect your views.
These are my concerns:
The Citizens of Michigan are not required by law to prove proficiency in firearm use for open carry. Anyone can carry a firearm, but as you know, they may not be very good at using it. On any given day, there are hundreds of customers in the mall common area and stores. Any firearm discharge that misses its intended mark may have deadly results. The City of Detroit shooting death on May 12, 2010 exemplifies this. The grandmother was shot in her house when a stray bullet fatally struck her.
The Citizens of Michigan are not required by law to have training in weapon retention when someone else tries to take their firearm. Carrying a firearm and keeping the weapon safe from others taking it is a proper concern.

When someone carries a firearm openly, they could potentially and unknowingly become the first target in an active shooter situation.
We too wish to make Briarwood a safe shopping center for all. Our policies may not be the same as other shopping centers but we all have the best interests of our customers in mind when enforcing our Code of Conduct.
Also, thank you for bringing to our attention the need for signage at the common area entrances from the major stores at Briarwood. We will work diligently to remedy this situation so that our policy is communicated to all.
Tom Fisher
My second question never got answered:

This is very disappointing, even those with nobal intentions, that openly carry handguns & legal CPL's that conceal carry, have been in your mall several times and as recently as last weekend. I will remind them of your companies wishes and so they can take their shopping elsewhere.
What would be the reaction from management to those that unknowning carry in your mall, because they came and left through Sears or JCPenny's??   Postings are only at the mall entrances from the parking lot.

Anyone wish to put their 2 cents in for my reply???

I was going to ask him simply how do the people of Westroads Mall of KS thought of that.

Offline emt805

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Re: Briarwood of Simon property reponse
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2010, 10:44:04 PM »
I’ve been in public and private law enforcement for the past 32 years.

These are my concerns:
The Citizens of Michigan are not required by law to prove proficiency in firearm use for open carry. Anyone can carry a firearm, but as you know, they may not be very good at using it. On any given day, there are hundreds of customers in the mall common area and stores. Any firearm discharge that misses its intended mark may have deadly results. The City of Detroit shooting death on May 12, 2010 exemplifies this. The grandmother was shot in her house when a stray bullet fatally struck her.
The Citizens of Michigan are not required by law to have training in weapon retention when someone else tries to take their firearm. Carrying a firearm and keeping the weapon safe from others taking it is a proper concern.

When someone carries a firearm openly, they could potentially and unknowingly become the first target in an active shooter situation.

Anyone wish to put their 2 cents in for my reply???

I was going to ask him simply how do the people of Westroads Mall of KS thought of that.

First responst sounds like someone who want's to keep firearms in public to those of leo's.
Second he is talking gun control with a shooting in detroit, which imo is nothing like AA.
Next he played the card of the grandmother being shot, What about that event where the leo in detroit shot that kid while entering the house? What it sounds like those are the people he does not mind having them and they have tons of training. I would say he should become better informed.
Just my thoughts on things... take it as you will.

Offline ocdetroit

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Re: Briarwood of Simon property reponse
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2010, 05:12:39 PM »
Let's be real who's going to carry a gun in the open and do not get some kind of training , (gun range ect..) People think about it who do u know that would do this? You can't because they are scared, so be for they try it belive u me they will learn their tool. Carry On. :D
Open carry in Detroit
With both of them.