Author Topic: Thought provoking video from a smart lady on gun control.  (Read 4711 times)

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Offline Glock9mmOldStyle

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"It is now more likely that a person will be the victim of a violent crime than that he will be in an auto accident. Despite this, most people readily believe that the existence of the police relieves them of the responsibility to take full measures to protect themselves."
 -Jeffrey Snyder 1993

Offline karudin

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Re: Thought provoking video from a smart lady on gun control.
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2013, 02:32:05 PM »
Problem is too many people believe all the lies and the misinformation that the left puts out there and no one is willing to think for themselves. I agree she puts out a lot of information that makes total sense but many in this country have blinders on. We as a country have become too politically correct (sissified) and honestly think that these liars actually design laws to help us. I have tried to talk to my in-laws about some of the crap that goes on and its like talking to a wall. They are too focused on what they can get from the government instead of doing for themselves that they become dependent. Once they become dependent its like dealing with a baby, they will whine and cry when they feel something that is important to them is taken away but could care less about anything else because it doesn't directly affect them.

I haven't always been the most vocal about my opinions but over the last couple of years I have started to and getting my CPL (whenever Livingston county will finally issue it) and OC has been one of the things that I am able to do on a daily basis. My parents and even grand-parents (grandfather was also a Marine) applaud what I do; however, my in-laws just don't get it. I've given up on talking to them because they just won't listen, but I hope people start to wake up before it is too late.

Many call those that try to stand up for our rights extremists but then sympathize with these young idiots (I know I'm only 29 myself) who want to protest "the man" or anything else they perceive as an injustice just because it isn't handed to them. Sorry for my rant, I just needed to vent with some like-minded people.

Offline Glock9mmOldStyle

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Re: Thought provoking video from a smart lady on gun control.
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2013, 07:28:40 PM »
No need to say sorry for the rant. Many here feel your pain. Just be aware that on a national level republicans maybe be better on 2A/(civil rights) but in MI they are weak supporters of the 2A from what I've seen over the last few years. A friend of mine is fond of saying "Left - Right, it doesn't really matter, we end up with the same crap and a different set of flies!" I am starting to think he's on to something.
"It is now more likely that a person will be the victim of a violent crime than that he will be in an auto accident. Despite this, most people readily believe that the existence of the police relieves them of the responsibility to take full measures to protect themselves."
 -Jeffrey Snyder 1993