If you want to have an open and honest debate on open carry (or any other topics out there), it might be best to stick to the facts. Fats like crime rates, firearms deaths, accidental shootings, etc. And not the inflated numbers that some entities put out there, but real ones such as the FBI statistics or stuff from the CDC. To equate the open carry debate with climate change is foolish. Climate change is real, the SCIENTISTS who actually study the topic are in near-unanimous agreement, and there's no denying the numbers on greenhouse gasses, rising levels of carbon dioxide, temperature increases, more violent weather patterns, and ocean acidification. Rather than debating the truth of the numbers, we should accept the judgement of the pros and move on to figuring out what to do. Ditto with firearms. We have a problem with firearms deaths in this country. More guns will NOT sold this problem. It will only make it worse. Rather than fight it, we should look for effective ways to stop criminals, the mentally ill, and the merely stupid from getting their hands on guns. Be part of the solution, not part of the problem.