Mr theQ, part deux, and ultra: In these last few posts you gentlemen have demonstrated EXACTLY why the general public is upset with various gun owner organizations. In this and other threads I have presented a few thoughts on how we can improve our gun culture before change is thrust upon us from the outside. Change that we would not want, change that probably would infringe on some of our rights. I have presented these ideas civilly and with supporting data. In return, on this and other threads, I have been told to shut up, go away, suck my thumb, drink bleach, and a few other unsavory ideas. Since I'm a gun owner and a member of this group and I'm not going away, let me offer a couple of conclusions:
Anybody, such as some of the members here, who has to resort to name calling or other personal attacks obviously has nothing to say. If they did, they wouldn't have to resort to such juvenile attacks. You gentlemen seem to fall into that category.
Second, and this is where the rest of our populace is learning to hate you, you exhibit such a close-minded intolerance for any belief or opinion other than your own as to appear angry, spiteful, and dangerous. If you exhibit such anger and intolerance in what should be a fairly civil discussion about gun policy, why would I, as your fellow citizen, want to trust you with a firearm? You mentioned that Hitler was democratically elected (albeit in a rigged election). Good point. The type of anger and intolerance you gentlemen exhibit does remind me of the Nazis. It's a very short distance from "my way or no way" on gun policy to Kristallnacht. In your minds the ends always justify the means, as long as you get your way.