Author Topic: Advice Needed - Regarding Businesses Unfriendly to Open Carry  (Read 5640 times)

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Offline TexasSupporter

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Advice Needed - Regarding Businesses Unfriendly to Open Carry
« on: January 24, 2016, 12:15:57 AM »
Hi guys!

I need some advice.  Yeah, yeah, I'm just in Texas OCing, but I know you all have already figured out a lot of things I'm just starting to encounter.  So my question is, what is the best way to handle businesses who are unfriendly to OC?  If they have proper signage, I just stay away.  But I really haven't seen any businesses with the signage.  Just so you'll know, here in Texas the signage by law must be precise, both in wording and in size of letters.  There are 2 signs - the 30.06 which prohibits concealed carry, and the 30.07 which prohibits open carry.  A business would have to have both the 30.06 and the 30.07 signs (in English and Spanish by the way), in order to keep someone with firearms out of the store (unless, of course, it is the bad guy who naturally doesn't follow signage and the law - he will gladly enter into this gun-free zone and have his way, but that's another story and you all already know how ridiculous the whole thing is).

So, tonight I encountered my first resistance to my daily OC (I basically OC all the time now, except when I'm at work or in church.  In church I still carry concealed in my carry bag).  I was in a Sun Fresh Minyards and there were these ridiculous yellow pieces of paper taped to the front doors, saying "no firearms allowed".  Totally non legal in every possible way.  So I went on in, to buy some bottled water.  The security lady told me I had to go, because they didn't allow guns there.  I asked her where the signage was, and she pointed to these ridiculous non-legal signs.  I was nice and let her know I would be leaving, but also let her know to tell management that these signs were not legal, and needed to be the correct 30.06 and 30.07 signs. 

She offered to get the manager, and though I was already on my way out I stopped and said "sure, why not".  He came and I explained the signage requirement, etc, and he was nice and I was turning to go when some other employee butted in and became quite rude with me.  He obviously hated guns (possibly a felon and couldn't legally have them? LOL), so he started going on and on about how yeah.... they would get the right signs, oh yes!  LOL  Well I told him, "go ahead, but you'll lose business.  I'm going down the street to Kroger who has no problem at all with the 2nd Amendment".  Interestingly enough, I just happened to be recording on my iPhone and have the whole encounter.  In Texas only 1 party needs to give consent for a recording, and that was me :)

So here's the deal.  If I were to encounter a place of business where the signage was already correct, I'll just stay out.  But if it's a trash worthy notice without any legal standing, like the place I entered tonight, I have every right to go in.   My question is, do I just stay away from this place, and places like it in the future?  Or do I pursue it by contacting the Minyards Sun Fresh corporate office?  Should I go back later to check and see if they ever put the correct signage up?  I don't know if I should try to raise awareness about these anti-2nd Amendment stores, or just move on down the road to the 2A friendly ones.  Am I wasting my time lingering and going against companies that don't have proper signage?  Or should I just ignore them and move on?  What have you guys found is best in situations like this?

I know you had to fight a lot and win battles to get to where you are.  I appreciate all you've done for OC in Michigan, and would appreciate hearing from you regarding your insight into this type of situation.  Thanks for any advice you can give me!
« Last Edit: January 24, 2016, 12:22:07 AM by TexasSupporter »

Offline Redwingsrule6971

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Re: Advice Needed - Regarding Businesses Unfriendly to Open Carry
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2016, 02:11:43 AM »
I know many of us do not give businesses that are anti-gun our hard earned money whenever possible.  Personally, I wouldn't go back there to spend money.

It definitely doesn't hurt to let corporate know that they're losing business because of their anti-gun views. Some care...come don't. I would mention the rude employee jumping into a conversation he wasn't invited into.

If there aren't any repercussions to store owners for their signs being wrong, I wouldn't follow up with it. While it's wrong and still up, all it's going to do is have other OC and CC'ers come in like you did.

It sounds like you handled this well. You kept your cool, were friendly and knowledgable in the laws and pointed out that their sign was in fact not legal.


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Offline CitizensHaveRights

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Re: Advice Needed - Regarding Businesses Unfriendly to Open Carry
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2016, 09:06:12 AM »
One suggestion I saw elsewhere: Go to Kroger, and attach the copies of the receipt to a nice letter you send to both the store and the corporate office: Hey, you just got rid of 50 purchases like this in 2016, plus another 1000 or so from my friends, please drop me a note when you decide to change this ridiculous policy.
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Offline MI_XD

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Re: Advice Needed - Regarding Businesses Unfriendly to Open Carry
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2016, 03:52:56 PM »
Does the new Texas law state that they MUST have the correct signage, or they cannot stop you from Open Carrying in their Store? Can they get away with trying to trespass you?

Here in Michigan, if a store does not want you open Carrying, they can ask you to leave (notify you of trespass). If you do not leave,  they then will contact the police to remove you for trespassing. If you DO leave, but return again carrying, they can immediately have the police arrest you for trespass.

I have not heard anything about the Texas law as having anything about the ability for a business owner to trespass you.

Carry ON!
SW Michigan
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Offline CitizensHaveRights

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Re: Advice Needed - Regarding Businesses Unfriendly to Open Carry
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2016, 05:30:48 PM »
The instant an employee orders you off the premises, you've been trespassed. Refusal to leave can result in criminal charges in almost any jurisdiction.
They can do it because they don't like your gun, or because they don't like you...if they do it because you're a member of a federally protected minority, you can sue them for it, like the lesbians who got massive penalties against a cake shop.

The 30.06 and 30.07 signs have incredibly specific requirements, and if the sign meets those requirements you can't miss it.

Carrying concealed past a 30.06 sign or open carrying past a 30.07 sign is a Class A misdemeanor. A qualifying sign carries the force of law in Texas, which is why it's important that the statute has carefully defined which signs are qualifying.
"A well balanced breakfast being necessary to the start of a healthy day, the right of the people to keep and eat food shall not be infringed "  - Who has a right to keep and eat food, The People or A Well Balanced Breakfast?

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Re: Advice Needed - Regarding Businesses Unfriendly to Open Carry
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2016, 08:42:37 AM »
My suggestion is be an ambassador. You may not win everyone and you may not win the company, but you might win a few people. If you think that manager would listen to you, start with him. Show him what a nice person you are and get a conversation started. We have a member that slowly worked on his private school for over a year and they eventually allowed him to carry.

Offline part deux

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Re: Advice Needed - Regarding Businesses Unfriendly to Open Carry
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2016, 11:04:42 AM »
Corporate chaing {cough, target, starbucks, costco, etc} you're not going to change.

Small local businesses, call and WRITE A SNAIL MAIL LETTER, tell them you were stopped and prevented from entering the business and forced to go to {name} competitor to shop.  If multiple people express their dissatisfaction with a businesses decisions, it will start to get attention. 

We as firearm owners are extremely bad out reaching out to a business.  MDA not only got attention due to Bloomies money, but because of the appearance of grass roots out reach.  Gun owners need to do the same level of grass roots out reach.

Offline TexasSupporter

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Re: Advice Needed - Regarding Businesses Unfriendly to Open Carry
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2016, 10:21:53 PM »
Thanks everyone!  Lots of good ideas and I appreciate it.  For now will stay away but like the ideas and will do something eventually.

Offline Langenc

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Re: Advice Needed - Regarding Businesses Unfriendly to Open Carry
« Reply #8 on: March 05, 2016, 07:17:38 PM »
Corporate chaing {cough, target, starbucks, costco, etc} you're not going to change.

Small local businesses, call and WRITE A SNAIL MAIL LETTER, tell them you were stopped and prevented from entering the business and forced to go to {name} competitor to shop.  If multiple people express their dissatisfaction with a businesses decisions, it will start to get attention. 

We as firearm owners are extremely bad out reaching out to a business.  MDA not only got attention due to Bloomies money, but because of the appearance of grass roots out reach.  Gun owners need to do the same level of grass roots out reach.

Make a BIG purchase from the down the street-or across town anti-gun store.. Stop out front of the no carry business and invite the mgr to come an look at the sale he missed.

We had some business cards made up and they pointed out that licensed carriers have had the following done on them........ and it listed the FBI check etc etc etc, It then asked if they could say that all their customers could meet those standards  NO- I might still have a few. PM if you want a sample.