Author Topic: ABE Sponsors  (Read 5100 times)

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Offline AutumnArcher

  • Posts: 15
ABE Sponsors
« on: August 21, 2010, 09:33:30 PM »
Ok, since Jon Witz has openly declared war on OC at ABE and other festivals, we need to
contact the major corporate sponsors of ABE and declare war on them. I would suggest writing letters to Ford, Citizens Bank, SE MI Ford dealers etc. Let them know that while you would be more than happy to support the event, and the charities that benefit from it, the open attack on the unalienable rights of those who choose to take responsibility for their own self defense is repulsive. Witz and ABEuses its right to freedom of assembly and speech as guaranteed under the 1st Amendment to  but attack those of us who choose to exercise our 2nd Amendment rights.

We should request or demand that Witz be removed from his position, or we will push an outright boycott of all sponsors and charities supporting this misguided attack on our rights. Hit 'em where it hurts. I was planning on buying a new Ford product in the coming months, but if they stand behind Witz and his anti 2A stance, I will not.

Offline emt805

  • Posts: 229
Re: ABE Sponsors
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2010, 10:18:34 PM »
I will support sending letters as such, but I would not blame ford for what this wiltz has done. As they would of had no idea he would be this way, also ford did not come up with the contract it was arts beats eats wiltz and royal oak. Those are the ones to keep business from, not those that had no part other than a general sponsor who could have easily not known about the contract or that it was illegal.

Re: ABE Sponsors
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2010, 05:52:42 PM »
I agree that the major sponsors might not have known the specifics of the ABE contract, but they know now and I don't believe they have voiced any opinion.  If the contract banned gays or women or any ethnic group the major sponsors would have fought each other to be the first ones to condemn the event and pull their sponsorship.  Their silence speaks volumes...