Alright talked to crosspistols about the eastside guys meeting up with westside guys. If we do it im going to have to leave Warren very early. Ill probably take I696 to I275 to I94. Meet up with crosspistols near Ann Arbor he will be taking US23 south from Flint area. Then we would take I94 to M89 and hook up with those guys at US131. Maybe if we get there early enough hook up with mastiff near Battle Creek.
If anybody else from the eastside wants to meet up get ahold of me. If we get more eastside people maybe we can have eastside run and just compare pictures.
Unless the westside guys want to make it a little easier on us and revise their route to start in Jackson. Maybe cabman's pawn shop. If not no big deal. It looks like you guys have a nice route planned out.