Taken out via DCMA complaint:
Reported Site(s):
http://miopencarry.weebly.com/Authorized Signature:
Phillip Hofmeister,
Michigan Open Carry, Inc.
http://miopencarry.orgInfringed Work(s):
http://miopencarry.weebly.com/This site uses our organization's name, our former logo, and a variety of our content. In the early days of our organization, the page was setup with someone affiliated with our organization. We've since lost contact with the person who started this page and established our own webpage. We believe this website is no longer available, don't know who owns/maintains it, nor do we have access to it. Since it infringes on our intellectual property, we demand it be removed.
Reporting Party Contact Information:
Phillip Hofmeister
(586) 913-1662
P.O. Box 16184
Lansing, MI 48901
Unauthorized Statement:
This website, to the best of my knowledge and information does not have the authorization of Michigan Open Carry, Inc. to use its intellectual property.
Good Faith/Accurate Statement:
I am the President of Michigan Open Carry, Inc. I am Michigan Open Carry, Inc's dually authorized representative. The information contained in this complaint is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.